At least on paper, Sudan's year-old constitution enshrines democratic practices and a separation of powers that make it look almost like a liberal western democracy.
Professor CURTIS BRADLEY (Professor of Law, Duke University): I think this decision was viewed by the Court and should be viewed be viewed as more of a separation of powers decision than a decision concerning individual liberties.
Lord Griffiths called for primary law-making powers and for a formal separation of powers between the executive (the assembly government) and the legislature (the assembly).
Those kinds of deliberations have been protected under privilege as a matter of the separation of powers enshrined in the Constitution by administrations of both parties dating back 30 years.
"I think this is a very important decision about the separation of powers, " said Carl Tobias, a constitutional law professor at Virginia's University of Richmond.
He argued that under a system based on constitutional separation of powers, the person who promulgates a law should not be allowed to interpret it as well.
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Even some agents who no longer get a slice of a player's investment pie acknowledge that the separation of powers is ultimately good for the client.
And the Supreme Court struck it down as a violation of the separation of powers.
Our Founding Fathers would be aghast at such power grabbing, which makes a mockery of the separation of powers and the checks and balances that they took such pains to enshrine in the U.S. Constitution.
Its main argument was that the checks and balances in the constitution are designed for a four-year presidential term and that an erosion of the separation of powers under Mr Uribe would be aggravated by a third term.
House Speaker John Boehner said it was "a victory for accountability in government", while Utah Senator Orrin Hatch said it would "go a long way toward restoring the constitutional separation of powers".
America's directly elected Senate, more powerful than the House of Representatives, probably holds few lessons for Britain because the United States has a directly elected president and thus full separation of powers, which no one is yet advocating in Britain.
In other words, he is a standing rebuff to the entire concept of the separation of powers.
The US state department has also said that the impeachment "raises serious questions about the separation of powers in Sri Lanka, which is a fundamental tenet of a healthy democracy".
Judge Susan Illston, of U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, said the laws, which underlie a tool known as a "national security letter, " violate the First Amendment and the separation of powers principles.
The principle that courts must be seen to be independent was a common-law export, its ascendancy owing much to the glowing portrayal of Britain's separation of powers by the 18th-century political philosopher, Montesquieu.