• At least on paper, Sudan's year-old constitution enshrines democratic practices and a separation of powers that make it look almost like a liberal western democracy.

    ECONOMIST: Sudan

  • Professor CURTIS BRADLEY (Professor of Law, Duke University): I think this decision was viewed by the Court and should be viewed be viewed as more of a separation of powers decision than a decision concerning individual liberties.

    NPR: Guantanamo Decision Puts President in Difficult Spot

  • Lord Griffiths called for primary law-making powers and for a formal separation of powers between the executive (the assembly government) and the legislature (the assembly).

    BBC: Increase assembly's power, says peer

  • Those kinds of deliberations have been protected under privilege as a matter of the separation of powers enshrined in the Constitution by administrations of both parties dating back 30 years.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • "I think this is a very important decision about the separation of powers, " said Carl Tobias, a constitutional law professor at Virginia's University of Richmond.

    NPR: Court Says Obama Appointments Violate Constitution

  • He argued that under a system based on constitutional separation of powers, the person who promulgates a law should not be allowed to interpret it as well.

    FORBES: Colorful Scalia Opinions Emphasize Bedrock Rule of Law Principles

  • Even some agents who no longer get a slice of a player's investment pie acknowledge that the separation of powers is ultimately good for the client.

    FORBES: There's Gold In The NFL

  • And the Supreme Court struck it down as a violation of the separation of powers.

    NPR: President to Ask for Line-Item Veto

  • Our Founding Fathers would be aghast at such power grabbing, which makes a mockery of the separation of powers and the checks and balances that they took such pains to enshrine in the U.S. Constitution.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Its main argument was that the checks and balances in the constitution are designed for a four-year presidential term and that an erosion of the separation of powers under Mr Uribe would be aggravated by a third term.

    ECONOMIST: Presidential re-election in Colombia

  • House Speaker John Boehner said it was "a victory for accountability in government", while Utah Senator Orrin Hatch said it would "go a long way toward restoring the constitutional separation of powers".

    BBC: Obama recess appointments found unconstitutional

  • America's directly elected Senate, more powerful than the House of Representatives, probably holds few lessons for Britain because the United States has a directly elected president and thus full separation of powers, which no one is yet advocating in Britain.

    ECONOMIST: The House of Lords

  • In other words, he is a standing rebuff to the entire concept of the separation of powers.

    ECONOMIST: The law: Judging the judges | The

  • The US state department has also said that the impeachment "raises serious questions about the separation of powers in Sri Lanka, which is a fundamental tenet of a healthy democracy".

    BBC: Asia

  • Judge Susan Illston, of U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, said the laws, which underlie a tool known as a "national security letter, " violate the First Amendment and the separation of powers principles.

    WSJ: Judge Strikes Down Secretive Surveillance Law

  • The principle that courts must be seen to be independent was a common-law export, its ascendancy owing much to the glowing portrayal of Britain's separation of powers by the 18th-century political philosopher, Montesquieu.

    ECONOMIST: Britain��s top judges leave home

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