The BBC is to broadcast a series of programmes next month celebrating 60 years of the British singles chart.
BBC: to mark 60 years of the British singles chart
And, starting later this month, Channel 4 will show a series of programmes designed to raise the Games' profile.
BBC: Channel 4 unveils 2012 Paralympic coverage
During the workshop participants will develop a series of programmes on climate change and evaluating their relevance based on the content and the technical production.
Prof Kitchener said it was already known that, as a result of increased public awareness, patient safety was top of the public and political agenda, and as a consequence there had been a series of programmes to improve patient safety.
BBC: Cardiff University study into hospital infections
He recently visited survivors in the city's hospital and commissioned a series of television programmes that seek to dissuade would-be self-immolators.
ECONOMIST: Afghan women are setting themselves on fire
They are offering digital video recorders that allow subscribers to pause and rewind live programmes and record an entire series with a single click of the remote control.
ECONOMIST: Another push to sell pay-television to the Germans
If the committee fails to issue a recommendation, a series of painful spending cuts will automatically occur, split evenly between defence and domestic programmes dear to Republicans and Democrats, respectively.
BBC: US debt reduction 'super-committee' takes shape
But Mr Blix is also demanding answers to a series of other longstanding questions he has about Iraq's chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programmes.
ECONOMIST: In need of resolution
Other useful features of the app include being able to browse the entire week's TV through a user-friendly TV Guide, remote record both individual programmes and entire series, get recommendations of other programmes you may like, and manage recording clashes.
ENGADGET: Sky gives remote control powers to its Sky+ Android app (update: new iOS app version, too)