The Family and Medical Leave Act, which applies to private companies with 50 or more employees, guarantees workers who need to care for a seriously ill parent, child or sibling up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave.
But the husband of a woman left seriously ill by the outbreak said he was disappointed Mr Aslan's licence was being restored at this time.
I've seen a number of quite seriously ill people, but the one that sticks in my mind is a 29-year-old woman who came in with alcoholic liver failure.
The vaccine has caused tumors to regress in mice, and a trial in 14 seriously ill humans stimulated immune response without harmful side effects.
But a leading expert with the National Board of Health, claimed Mijailovic was seriously mentally ill - a view the appeals court shared, describing the killer as a "traumatised person with significant psychiatric problems".
The other, who had recently been there, is seriously ill in a London hospital.
It was incredible to think that I was seriously ill from a long haul flight six months earlier.
To help her meet other kids who understood, Catherine's doctors encouraged her to go to a special summer camp for seriously ill children.
The College of Emergency Medicine has told BBC Wales all emergency departments across the country are experiencing sustained and severe pressure, with a steady increase in seriously-ill elderly patients.
Inmates at Kirkham Prison have previously restored a boat for Donna's Dream House, a holiday home in Blackpool for seriously ill children.
Cartwright had been seriously ill since suffering a heart attack in mid-March.
Peter who is married to Anita and has a young son, had been a keen triathlete, but fell seriously ill in October 2000.
The star, who is seriously ill and beginning a bitter withdrawal from life, takes one of the young men (Rogen) into his house as a gag writer, punching bag, flunky, and nurse.
It also included a mental-health component, expanding a law that requires some seriously mentally ill people to get treatment and requiring psychiatrists and other providers to report patients who may be dangers to themselves or others.
The charity says this is one reason why a quarter of children with type 1 diabetes are only diagnosed once they are already seriously ill with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a life threatening condition that needs immediate specialist treatment in hospital.
For three months a nurse went undercover for Panorama secretly filming the indignities faced by people seriously ill, and sometimes dying, on an acute ward in a failing hospital.
He was released and became seriously ill, which began a major turn in his life.
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It could save a lot of them dying or becoming seriously ill.
Four of them are seriously ill, six are in a stable condition and two more are improving.
People who need a transplant because of acute liver failure are seriously ill.
The difference, perhaps, is that most European systems have a clearer default option for those who fall seriously ill with no plans or preferences.
He also told of an incident where emergency surgery had been delayed for up to a day because a bed could not be found for the seriously ill patient.
But a German woman is reported by doctors to be seriously ill.
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People who share responsibility for providing care for the seriously ill have to track and share a variety of detailed information, he notes.
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"A few months ago he was on a call with me where the patient was very seriously ill, " King related in an e-mail.
Earlier it appeared Ms Becker, dubbed the Angel of Mostar for her aid work, would allow a drip, allaying fears that she could become seriously ill through dehydration.
After years of struggling with Parkinson's disease and congestive heart failure, Nancy Williamson's mother became seriously ill last August and slipped into a coma from which doctors said she would never recover.
One of her consulting clients ran a factory where a worker got sudden news that his son had fallen seriously ill.
The journey back to an operating theatre may still be the greatest obstacle to an astronaut who is seriously injured, or falls badly ill during a mission.
Scrum-half Gareth Jones remains seriously ill in hospital after he was caught up in a ruck.