On another occasion he described how he saw dust from the ceiling falling on a shop assistant stacking sandwiches.
Miss Manning, a shop assistant, had been to a 70s fancy dress party and a nightclub with her boyfriend Barri White.
At 08:30 GMT the next morning a shop assistant arrived, finding Mr Brumhill's body with several heavy blows to the head, the force said.
BBC: Arthur Brumhill murder: Forensics hope in pet shop killing
The two countries remain distinct only in their earnings potential: a graduate engineer in Matamoros earns less than a shop assistant across the river in Brownsville.
Wood built on her stardom with the 1962 musical Gypsy, and 1963's Love with the Proper Stranger, which saw her win her third Oscar nomination as a shop assistant facing unwanted pregnancy.
Working as a shop assistant is easily more work than a typist of the old era had to do, and every high street store has faced Gapification due to the pressures created by the internet, putting these bottom tier staff under ever more pressure for ever less pay.
Get a trained shop assistant to demonstrate how to fit the seat.
The hearing at Llangefni, Anglesey, was told grandmother Mrs Edwards, a retired shop assistant, had arrived with her husband John at their second home at Trefor but, after saying she was going for a walk, she disappeared.
BBC: Open verdict on Pauline Annette Edwards missing in 2010
Frictionless.com, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, offers the electronic equivalent of a well-informed shop assistant.
So an Apple shop floor assistant does a lot less work than most if not all stores on the high street of the same size but already gets paid more for it.
When entering a shop, should the user take off their headphones to talk to a sales assistant?
In front of a newly-opened phone shop, the sales assistant flashed an iPhone to the Foxconn employees, with everyone focused on his every "cool" gesture, as if it was something new.
Litsa Grigoropoulos, a sales assistant at Sephora's smaller downtown shop in Manhattan's Soho district, used to work at Macy's (part of Federated Department Stores).
Shop assistant Miss Manning had been to a fancy dress party and a nightclub with Mr White when she walked off alone in the early hours of 10 December.
BBC: Jury fails to reach verdict in Rachel Manning murder trial
More often than not this dysfunction can be traced to the entry of one new employee, perhaps the boss, his or his assistant, the head of HR or a new shop steward.