In other words, while the findings are gloomy, there is a silver lining here, perhaps.
At this point it is hard to tell if all clouds have a silver lining.
That's a lot of grim news, but LePage says there is a silver lining.
This is a bold attempt to discover a silver lining in the hurricane's clouds.
But there's a silver lining: cozy coats, especially styles with oversized fur hoods, never looked better.
In Gothenburg's waste treatment plant, Rickard discovered a silver lining in the cloudy waters.
But squint into the distance, and the corner of a silver lining is just visible.
But perhaps there is a silver lining for Nokia in all these stormy clouds.
FORBES: Nokia's Errors Over Faked Windows Phone Ads May Have One Positive Benefit
Hou also says that if you look closely at the fourth-quarter revenues, there is a silver lining.
But Gilmartin and his chief scientist, Peter Kim, repeatedly pointed to a silver lining in the data.
Given the disappearance of the budget surplus, this might seem insuperable, but there is a silver lining.
Yet, the GDP data has a silver lining, according to Nomura Securities analysis in New York.
No matter what these women said about their husbands, there was always a silver lining that only I could see.
But its deputy chief executive Michael Weedon has said there could be a silver lining for smaller businesses.
If you are predisposed to favoring more oil and gas production in the U.S., there's a silver lining.
But there may be a silver lining for investors, judging by how the stock reacted to the news.
But the report had a silver lining: Estimates for sales in January and February were both bumped up.
If there's a silver lining to be found, Gill said, it is in the humanity seen during a crisis.
Mr. WADE HENDERSON (Leadership Conference on Civil Rights): There is a silver lining.
If there is a silver lining, it is that Boeing's non-civil jet business now accounts for 40% of sales.
Tim Worstall at Forbes agrees we should reconsider eating pork and sees a silver lining in the inevitable shortage.
But here, too, there is a silver lining: Ireland is a great destination.
Brizendine said she believes there's a silver lining to those horrifying, violent thoughts.
If the clouds over Detroit have a silver lining, it is that Chrysler has profited from its rivals' adversity.
There might, however, be a silver lining for Democrats in the longer term.
Apparently, Samsung has chosen to see that as something of a silver lining.
If you want to find a silver lining, people are talking about the Surface Pro online, building up the awareness.
FORBES: Microsoft's PR Team Misfires As The Surface Pro Launches
If every cloud has a silver lining, then the bright side of the Great Recession may be fewer people dying from on-the-job injuries.
"I think the hate groups are desperately looking for a silver lining in a very dark cloud for them, " Potok said.
CNN: White supremacists watched in lead up to Obama administration
If the cloud has a silver lining, it is that other drug firms have managed to survive litigation of this kind.