She said she believes she accidentally took a sleeping pill instead of her daily thyroid medication.
Thalidomide was famously pulled as a sleeping pill in 1962, after it was associated with birth defects.
As part of the deal, King would also get a 400-person sales force and Sonata, a sleeping pill.
The court earlier heard how the woman had taken some alcohol and a sleeping pill prior to being attacked.
The opportunity is likely to be primary-care doctors who will most want a sleeping pill with fewer side effects.
Dinner after departure from Los Angeles is followed by a sleeping pill.
Earlier this year, Merck (nyse: MRK - news - people ) licensed a sleeping pill from Lundbeck, a Danish drug firm.
Moreover, the company has had a string of regulatory disappointments with medicines like indiplon, a sleeping pill, and more recently an antipsychotic that it was developing with Akzo Nobel.
I've devoted great care to planning how I'll exit the scene: every month for the last year I've been pilfering a sleeping pill from Maman's box on the night-table.
Moreover, the company has had a string of regulatory disappointments with medicines like indiplon, a sleeping pill, and more recently an antipsychotic that it was developing with Akzo Nobel (nasdaq: AKZOY - news - people ).
Most travelers arrive in a new time zone, take a sleeping pill to fall asleep at bedtime, drink coffee during the day to stay awake, and wait it out until they feel better, says Charmane Eastman, a professor of behavioral sciences at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, who has devised strategies for people seeking to minimize jet lag.
By early Monday morning, a decision from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected for yet a whole new type of sleeping pill.
Late last year, 57-year-old Marcia Bergeron ordered a package of what she thought was a generic form of the sleeping pill Ambien from an online pharmacy based in Eastern Europe.
In December, Sepracor's Lunesta became the first sleeping pill approved without a restriction, limiting its use for a week or so, on its label. (Ambien has such a limitation, though many doctors prescribe it for longer.) Indiplon, being developed by Neurocrine and Pfizer, is likely to get similar labeling.
In December, Sepracor's Lunesta became the first sleeping pill approved without a restriction, limiting its use for a week or so, on its label. (Ambien has such a limitation, though many doctors prescribe it for longer.) Indiplon, being developed by Neurocrine and Pfizer (nyse: PFE - news - people ), is likely to get similar labeling.