Webster hopes to build a permanent clinic in Belen, a slum on the outskirts of Iquitos.
The grave of Mr Godwin's elder sister, shot dead in the independence war, becomes a slum-dwellers' toilet.
This particular block is a slum, one where we can see urban decay take place in real time.
The system has been in operation for more than two years in a slum in Santiago, Chile.
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He had located a place at a pre-city squatter settlement where he could stay and work with a slum-based carpenter.
If you look at a slum, does it have many characteristics of cities in general, but with depressed socioeconomic variables?
The land loss made this a slum-land, as the Nubians simply stayed as a community together, slowly becoming slum dwellers.
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Four young black South Africans strut down a street in a slum decked out in leather like the urban toughs they are.
Situated near Beirut's port in a district known as Karantina, the site was once a slum home to thousands of Kurdish and Palestinian refugees.
Not far from the Karen Club is Kibera, a slum of 600, 000 people in an area only a little larger than an 18-hole course.
Nicknamed Caveirao, Brazilian slang for a slum-clearing armored police car, she is a close friend of fellow power woman Dilma Rousseff, the president of Brazil.
He was born in a slum district of New Jersey to Italian immigrants (father a fireman, mother a nurse) and had a first-generation American's determination to succeed.
No one denies it's better to live in a penthouse in New York, treated by a Park Avenue doctor, than in a slum in an impoverished Third World country.
The experiments placed a computer in a wall in a slum, connected it to the internet and then turned it over to the community to see what would happen.
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The imediate impact of the Francis papacy on the region could hardly be felt more than in Villa 21-24, a slum of cramped dwellings and narrow alleys that clings to railroad tracks in the Agentine priest's home town of Buenos Aires.
In the Ministry of Housing's dim halls that seem like a throwback to better days in the 1950s, Heba Abdelfadel, an architect and consultant for the division of the ministry that headed Cairo 2050, hunches over blueprints of a slum where she hopes to create wider roads in order to open the community to commerce.
Catherine's Hospital in Cite Soleil, a sprawling slum of about a quarter of a million people in the city's waterfront.
On tours of Dharavi, a massive slum in Mumbai, guests are promised a revealing look at the daily lives of an estimated 1 million slum dwellers.
So a typical slum rent is much higher, relative to the value of the house, than it would be in a posh area where landlords have title deeds.
This week police raided a Nairobi slum and shot dead at least 22 suspects.
The couple settled in a sprawling slum on the outskirts of the capital and promptly had two more girls.
The Economist captured this atmosphere of activity and hope in a December 2007 article about Dharavi, a Mumbai slum.
In 1980 Villa Tunari, the area's small administrative centre, was a roadside slum.
In its most extreme format, each global city has a global slum, either next to it or in its center.
Lodging in a Lagos slum in 1967, he conveys the misery, terror and superstition on which the packed inhabitants survived.
Bins are currently collected fortnightly with some residents claiming some areas are like a "slum" with rubbish attracting rats and mice.
Is it the aura of American prosperity, health and sobriety, which seems so appealing in an African village or a Mexican slum?
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Solid rubbish is also bad for you when you literally live on top of it, as do the people of Korogocho, a Nairobi slum.
In search of an answer, Ms Boo spent nearly four years visiting Annawadi, a small slum surrounded by imposing five-star hotels near Mumbai's international terminal.