Moreover, such a laser can be fine-tuned over a smaller range of wavelengths simply by varying its temperature.
Her work revealed that males who did not get enough food as nestlings have a smaller range of songs.
ECONOMIST: Parasitology: The song does not remain the same | The
Two hours later at a market in the borough of Islington, two men had a stall with a smaller range.
Since just before the U.S. trading session began, the price flow looks very similar to yesterday, although in a smaller range.
Bonhams sells in the British style as well, though on a smaller scale than its competitors and with a smaller range of cars.
The company also launched the Ascend D2, a smaller phone but with a range of impressive specs.
FORBES: CES 2013: Huawei Challenges Samsung With 'World's Biggest Smartphone'
Among a wider range of smaller countries and regions, the UK is in 35th place out of 65.
The draft regulations, which span dozens of pages, also describe a range of smaller measures that could change some of the key features of life in the capital, if strictly implemented.
While the conglomerates are unlikely to cede further ground on larger issues--DVD and new-media residuals--already hammered out in previous dealings with the other guilds, the actors could win on a range of smaller issues, including retroactive compensation, notification about how products will be used in shows and other lesser items.
Operating profitably in poorer markets often means switching to smaller stores with a narrower range.
That may be partly council policy, though it's also probably because a city generates a wide range of job opportunities in a way that smaller towns do not.
High speed proton collisions generate a range of even smaller particles that scientists have been sifting through in search of a signal in the data suggesting the existence of the Higgs boson.
The unemployment rate is derived from a separate survey of households, which has an even smaller sample size and thus a wider confidence range.
Working at a smaller firm can also provide a much broader range of experience for new representatives, who may have the freedom to implement a well-rounded financial plan for a client.
The Home Office said the higher cost per inmate of detention centres was due to a range of factors including the fact they were much smaller than prisons and were close to airports, making land prices and rents higher.
The new warning says recent attacks have occurred hundreds of miles off the coast, suggesting that pirates are using more "mother ships" -- a practice of using bigger boats with longer range to launch smaller pirate ships from farther out to sea, according to Pentagon officials.
CNN: As piracy surges, U.S. warns of dangers off Somali coast
There is some tantalizing evidence, though, in the latest release of the Windows 8 Certification guidelines that state that Microsoft will now officially support smaller resolutions and, perhaps, screen sizes, which would allow manufacturers to create a new generation of smaller Surface tablets in the 7-inch range.
FORBES: Microsoft May Be Developing Smaller Surface Tablets, E-Readers
The smaller rifles are sold with a mount to use at a shooting range.
The smaller TBM 850 seats six, goes 370mph and flies a 1, 570-mile range on one engine.
But even if smaller, it must be supremely capable and effective as a force to deal with a range of security challenges.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Section IV: Building a Two-MRC Force for the 21st Century
Microsoft recently issued a statement to its manufacturing partners that Windows 8 will now support smaller screens in the 7-inch range.
Astrium's plan to tackle defunct satellites is to use an unmanned chase spacecraft to get in range, fire a barbed harpoon into the body of the rogue hardware and then use a smaller propulsion unit attached to a tether to tow it back towards the atmosphere where it will burn up safely on re-entry.