That appears to be what happened to a disruptive male passenger aboard a flight from Iceland to New York on Thursday after a photo surfaced on social media showing a man bound to his seat.
If you are a man in social class A, the highest group, your chance is about two in three.
It is a function of social class and occupation as to why a man's capacity to stand and deliver, as it were, is reduced as youthful Romeos are dragged by Time's relentless claws of age into the abyss of the yawning grave.
The sexes themselves smell different, too, and women can glean information about a man's social status from his smell alone.
Sort of a lazy man's social phone, but we reckon that can be quite a useful thing for the targeted demographic of college students.
She had been a professional social worker with a prefectural office, comfortably rewarded and a marketing man's delight.
The group's patriarch, Antonio Ermirio de Moraes, is well known in Brazil as a man of austere habits and a social conscience.
Sperling, a man religiously opposed to having a social life, continues to log six 18-hour days a week, even though he has now acquired three assistants, who are already pasty-faced with fatigue and have gained the nicknames Thing One, Thing Two and Thing Three after characters in The Cat in the Hat.
When he retired, he got another shocker: Social Security initially rejected him -- a man without a leg -- for disability.
In Paris, she violates yet another social rubric by falling in love with a married man, a well-read, clever romantic who is also a bit of a cad.
The video, which has been promoted on social networking sites, depicts the brain of a man arrested after a drunken fight.
Here was a man who clearly never had to contend with social media, fantasy baseball or the instant response to a new profile picture (reading new twitter responses to the last chart I put up).
Brooks and Albert Fritz, Western Cape provincial minister of social development, said the accused man had been a family friend.
He added that accusations on social networking sites that the culprit was a "local young man" were false and also malicious.
The expectation was that at one of the season's many social occasions, all chaperoned, she would meet a suitable young man and carry on the old order.
"It is sickening that someone would wish to post such comments at any time on social media, and especially on a tribute page to a young man who has recently died, " he said.
So who better than a man who has made his reputation applying quantitative methods to slippery social problems to give the movement some substance?
Since Wednesday, hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans waited for hours to say farewell to the man many regarded as a messiah for instituting many subsidies and social programs.
"Pride of ownership" was a favorite phrase of my father's, embodying an idea real as bread to a man of his background, one having to do not with social competitiveness or conspicuous consumption but with his standing as a manly provider.
's assets, following a suit by a New York man who claims to own an 84% stake in the social-networking company.
On a recent day, Marcy Smith, the geriatric social worker, helps a thin, distinguished-looking 91-year-old man.
When it comes to getting at the truth, subjects like green and corporate social responsibility (CSR) rank right up there with asking a middle-aged man why he bought the sports car.
While such a step may seem intrusive and unnecessary, Nass, who specializes in the social psychology of technology and explores similar themes in a new book, The Man Who Lied to His Laptop: How Computers Can Teach Us About Human Relationships, says the potential benefits are vast.
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Thomas suggests using Facebook more like a man would--as a networking tool rather than a microcosm of your social universe.
He was the leading technologist of his day, and a man who was intimately familiar with the top media technology of his time and in building social networks.
Lawyers for a man who claims he is entitled to 84% of Facebook Inc. argued Wednesday the social-networking site's chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, lives a transient life out of a duffel bag.
But to many in the social media world, it was a perfectly natural, almost cathartic reaction to the suicide of a man who many knew personally, but many more knew by reputation if at all.
Mrs McAleese said he was a man of deep faith who had made "a profound difference to the religious, political and social landscape of this island over the last 20 years".
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Church leader to retire this year
The case of a Saudi man in his 90s who has married a girl of 15 has drawn widespread criticism on Twitter and other social media in the country.