• While in High School he wrote a software program that helped his parents manage CRM and inventory tracking.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Wendler is acutely aware of the problems a software program like this might pose for the community at large.

    CNN: The computer that decides if we live or die

  • One of the latest, called Aimster, is aimed at users of a software program that is already hugely popular.

    BBC: Ready, Aimster, Swap

  • Mark built a software program that allowed the computers in the house and the office to send messages to one another.

    NEWYORKER: The Face of Facebook

  • The end result is a software program that uses a series of complex algorithms for filtering and aligning all the pieces of the transcriptome puzzle.


  • Then in 1993 he launched a software program he called Alarm.

    FORBES: Get Your Tickets Fixed

  • In addition, Quidsi developed a software program, called Boxem, that calculates the best sized box for any individual order, saving on shipping and other costs.

    FORBES: Many-stop Shopping? How Niche Retailers Are Thriving on Internet 2.0

  • For instance, Assentor, a software program from privately held, Reston, Va.

    FORBES: The Quattrone Vaccine

  • She has created a software program that uses data from magnetic resonance imaging scans to simulate how fast a patient's brain tumor is likely to spread.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Sprint had been installing on its floor models a software program called GadgetTrak that locates a phone or laptop using its GPS chip and Wi-Fi positioning.

    FORBES: To Shame A Thief

  • Using a software program to compare the sequences of the genes that give the instructions for making egg proteins, they show that teleosts with floating eggs share a gene called VtgAa.

    ECONOMIST: Fish genetics

  • To help spot factory or commercial goods sellers, which Etsy calls "resellers, " it uses a software program called SCRAM, which can identify problem sellers by predicting the rate and sequence by which they set up their shops.

    WSJ: Busted by the Crafts Cops

  • After nearly three years of experimental work, the team -- especially postdoctoral associate Andreas Velten and MIT professor Moungi Bawendi, many students, and several collaborators -- cobbled together pieces of the puzzle and built a software program to create a first demonstration of looking around corners.

    CNN: A camera that can see around corners

  • On Thursday, Web site administrators for major sites including the Washingtonpost.com, Techcrunch, and Engadget (as well as Forbes.com) found that their "pagerank"--a number that typically reflects the ranking of a site in Google results for key search terms--had dropped precipitously according to Google Toolbar, a software program that tracks Google's assessment of a site.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • On Thursday, Web site administrators for major sites including the Washingtonpost.com, Techcrunch, and Engadget (as well as Forbes.com) found that their "pagerank"--a number that typically reflects the ranking of a site in Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) results for key search terms--had dropped precipitously according to Google Toolbar, a software program that tracks Google's assessment of a site.

    FORBES: Google Scares The Search Crowd

  • Hennepin County's Johnson notes that if there were a uniform tax system, a simple software program that includes a base state tax rate plus local options could be used by businesses to easily calculate and administer sales tax.

    CNN: The Internet tax revolt

  • You were absolutely certain that your boss would approve your idea for a new software program, and she said no in a way that is still echoing down the corridor.

    FORBES: How Extremely Successful People (And Even Homer Simpson) Turn Obstacles Into Assets

  • The BioStation CT includes a customized software program that Nikon has built into the platform (called the CL-Quant Analysis).

    FORBES: Multi-Imaging Stem Cells In Real Time

  • The result is that a single software program could potentially implicate thousands, or even tens of thousands, of patents.

    FORBES: The Problems With Software Patents (Part 1 of 3)

  • The likeliest scenario is that she was hired to put together a software security program and stop the flood of bad PR.

    FORBES: Is Apple Getting Serious About Security?

  • The band makes its music with a looping software program, created by guitarist and keyboardist Brent Knopf while in college, called Deeler, short for Digital Loop Recorder.

    NPR: First Listen: Menomena, 'Mines'

  • Finally, TravRoute has created a voice-enabled software program that works with a Global Positioning System to allow hands-free, eyes-free directional information in a car.

    CNN: Speech technology is everywhere

  • Later on, Microsoft aided these "home-brew" efforts with the release of a software development kit and a program that allowed the Kinect to be controlled via Windows.

    BBC: Microsoft shares code for Kinect for Windows game gadget

  • It can do this because it is a bot, or software robot, a program that can interact with people.

    BBC: Hand on keyboard

  • Card.io is offering a software developers kit in a beta program and is already working with MogoTix which sells tickets to events.

    FORBES: Shoot the Credit Card with a Mobile Phone to Accept Payment

  • Instead, Facebook feeds any political commentary in status messages into a text analysis software program, the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count, which determines whether what you said was positive or negative.

    FORBES: From Now On, Your Political Musings On Facebook Are Being Mined

  • Dropbox, a free downloadable software program, allows them to drag and drop files to access on the Internet or from another computer into the "dropbox" folder that appears on their computer's desktop.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Whether it was trying to reduce the number of steps to cut the lawn as a child, reduce the time it took a computer program to run as a software developer, or today, trying to get more done with less energy.

    WHITEHOUSE: The Joy of Sustainability

  • Levin's software scans a given program, looking for strings of code that might be open source, then identifies the licenses that apply.

    FORBES: Code Inspector

  • So BEA instead installed Popular Power's software and a testing program on 50 powerful Windows NT boxes in its San Francisco offices.

    FORBES: Sharing Power

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