It's a struggle, but one he embraces as a sort of real-life challenge.
And so it's just basically--"Eli The Barrow Boy, " the song, is just kind of a--it's just a tragedy of a very sort of sweet character, who just never really gets a break in life, I guess.
Martha, we learn, has fled without warning to a run-down apartment complex downtown named The Madrid and is living out a sort of post-mid-life-crisis fantasy.
We won't second guess his decision, since we don't know the exact terms of the deal (though apparently they were pretty bad), but you know what, TiVo is sort of in a life-or-death situation right now and might have to take what it can get if it wants to stick around.
"So there comes a point with that sort of thing where you think maybe a slightly quieter life would be ideal, but we shall see, " he added.
"He woke me up from a sort of torpor, from the little life in which I was living, " recalls Armani.
She radiates continental European chic, clinking with bold silver jewellery that offers a sort of travelogue of her peripatetic working life.
He was wearing brown moleskin pants, a green cardigan sweater, and a plaid shirt with some sort of plant life on the placket.
Mr. Burton's treatise, like the man himself, rests between two ages one in which the authority of Scripture reigned supreme, and a newer era acknowledging the power of deductive reasoning to sort out life's great questions.
The bottom line as of 2001 is that the only sort of life scientists have a good shot at verifying is monocellular bacteria.
"He was living the same sort of existence the evidence shows now, a sort of duffel bag, apartment-to-apartment, transient life, ""He's got one foot in New York and one foot in California, " argued James Grable, Mr. Ceglia's lawyer.
Half-dead already, his cancer comes as a sort of salvation, a chance at a new life even if it is a brief one.
Not so much how much power a screen might use, that sort of thing, but how easily can a machine be recycled at the end of life?
FORBES: Apple Rejoins EPEAT: Governments Can Buy Apple Kit Again
The last gallery, called "Spaces of Modern Life, " is a culmination of all that came before it, a sort of Second Empire fugue state of themes expressed and interwoven.
His existence is now nearly paperless, and he's living the sort of digital life we may all lead just a few years down the road.
For instance, when I was very young, you know, my parents were still married, and I lived sort of kind of a typical kid in small-town Kansas life.
The human race has almost all the tools it needs to continue leading much the sort of life it has been enjoying without causing a net increase in greenhouse-gas concentrations in the atmosphere.
With such diverse sound effects and samples as frogs croaking, children playing, side walk preachers preaching, and a New York subway door closing, The Education of the Individual Soul is tied to both nature and to everyday urban life, giving it the qualities of a sort of ethereal and mystical modern-day fairytale.
It was a question of 'I don't need this sort of rubbish in my life, ' and I just felt, 'what do I do'?
SETI's search for intelligent life in outer space may be on ice for the time being, but the search for alien planets that may possibly support life of some sort is now being bolstered by a number of new efforts.
ENGADGET: ExoPlanetSat nanosatellite to begin search for alien worlds next year
Along the top is a sort of status bar, showing the outdoor temperature, a simple representation of the battery life for the car, the name of the currently loaded driver profile, a signal strength indicator for the integrated 3G modem and a tiny clock.
He has also said that he must have been sort of a stick-in-the-mud when my mother wanted more excitement in her life.
"Indeed, his life story has emerged as an odd sort of holy scripture for entrepreneurs, a gospel and an anti-gospel at the same time, " said the article, by Ben Austen.
There is always a huge cohort of Americans sort of naturally seeking to change or upgrade their car insurance because of changes in life circumstances such as landing a job or getting married.
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Life under a government run by the author would be fastidious, incremental and pragmatic: a sort of John Major for the 21st century.
ECONOMIST: The future after Margaret Thatcher and George Bush
If someone puts out a film about a day in the life of an online media mogul this year, I'm curious to see what sort of article -- and in what format -- I'll be writing in 2024.
Dr. THOMMES: A little bit outside of my area, I think, where we can sort of just deal with the stuff that the life stands on after it's created.
So and always, you see sports as some sort of morality play rather than this thing that you do to get away from your life and have a little bit of distraction fun.