Whether you should pay attention to it requires more than just a sound bite to explain.
"I would not take a sound bite of anything and make a decision on it, " she said.
"We have a sound bite about a representative Afghanistan at peace with itself and its neighbors, " says Fick.
Merrill publicly denied Spitzer's charges, but the embarrassing e-mails were hard to explain away in a sound bite.
Most scientific discoveries can be boiled down to a sound bite, however imperfectly.
It worked not only as a sound bite, but also as a resonating drum of action for generations to come.
About this comment, suffice it to say that it is an example of the difficulty of expressing complicated ideas in a sound bite.
Even better is when two parades cross paths, shouting opposing slogans that can be turned into campaign dollars at the drop of a sound bite.
Following Sarid's self-congratulatory modesty, Yediot gave former defense minister Moshe Arens and Infrastructures Minister Uzi Landau a sound bite apiece to lash out at the withdrawal.
Mr Brown has long believed that only when the Westminster-watching elites are sick of hearing a sound bite is it beginning to get through to ordinary voters.
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Fortunately, I have created a system that will allow these logical, rational, linear thinkers to turn any message point into a sound bite that is irresistible to even the most hard-bitten journalist.
Mr. JOE ANTOS (American Enterprise Institute): Price negotiation by the government for prescription drugs is a great sound bite but it's not a good policy and it basically won't work.
The myth of bigger is better makes for a nice sound bite, but is rarely the case.
Their goal was to score a resonant sound bite rather than to consider what's good for the country.
As a way to raise money, it works, but only after every complicated court decision is reduced to a digestible sound bite.
Sometimes the rivalries produced far more than just a cute sound bite.
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"What we want is to take the time in this forum to not just hear a quick sound bite -'yes, I'm for reform of don't ask, don't tell', " he told the BBC News website.
Then, I shoot a quick 90 second video where I dump all of my thoughts in a concise, sound bite fashion.
To be fair, it is sometimes tough to give a reporter the sound bite they are looking for to fill their page.
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That is a much worse sound bite for Prime Minister's Questions.
As a point scoring device in the sound-bite driven immediacy of a TV studio debate, it's quite useful.
The newly chipper Russian President arrived at last week's Helsinki summit trailing a string of sound-bite warnings that he would not budge.
Batali says in his sound bite that opening a restaurant was easier in 1993 when he debuted his first restaurant, Po.
As for my conscience, I can take a lesson from my dear old dad, who retreats to the same sound bite every time we argue about Social Security and Medicare.
Above all we need a mayor with sound and responsible political judgement, who can put aside the quick sound-bite, the populist response, the media opportunity.