Tucked away in a sleepy one-story office complex in Mountain View, California, Trevor Blackwell is trying to get a robot to walk.
Tucked away in a sleepy one-story office complex in Mountain View, Calif.
Other images show "The Castle, " a former five-story office block in central London that is now a home for more than 100 squatters -- and a site for raves.
"Singapore is my home, this is my base, this is where I feel safe, " says Comer, speaking in the loft of his four-story office in a shophouse on Singapore's Ann Siang Hill precinct, a preserved historic area just off Chinatown.
L-shaped table in an office in Lagos, discussing a story on that morning's front page about an oil-pipe explosion.
In this story, he came to office in a time of unprecedented economic difficulty, one of a sort not seen before, at least since the Great Depression.
"For sale" signs are hanging outside two landmarks, Rockefeller Center in Manhattan and Fox Plaza, a 34-story skyscraper in Los Angeles' Century City office district.
For Woodward, the journey began with a Saturday in the office, when he and Bernstein are put on a story that seemed unremarkable at the time, a June 1972 break-in at the Democratic Party headquarters at Washington's Watergate Hotel.
Last year, I met Prime Minister Thaci in his office, on the second floor of a drab fourteen-story tower in central Pristina.
Sarah Stamboulie, a New York career coach, told a story about a major bank with its headquarters in New York City and a human resources office in New Jersey that ran by its own rules.
Sarah Stamboulie, a New York career coach, tells a story about a major bank with its headquarters in New York City and a human resources office in New Jersey that ran by its own rules.
Much of the focus has been on one conversation, relatively late in the Awema story, in November last year between a senior official in the Wales European Funding Office and the then Chief Executive of Awema, Naz Malik.
There is a story that Mr Regan would arrive in the Oval Office each morning with a fresh joke to get the president in the mood to face the toils of stardom.
It turns out the tallest thing he ever erected was a seven-story office building 12 years ago--in the suburbs.
Goenawan Mohamad, an Indonesian writer, tells a story of his country during President Suharto's last months in office.
The remnant of that dream is a vibraphone in his office in Memorial's new 16-story breast cancer center.
He then issued a simple edict: Each unit had to create "demonstrably superior products" that could achieve "above-market growth rates" "This is not a strategy story, " says the buttoned-down Davis in his London office.
Rahman, the general in charge of the Afghan border police, were already waiting in a large office on the second floor of the two-story building when Prince arrived.
Following Monday's Times story, the governor canceled his appointments and made a public statement from his office in midtown Manhattan.
In 2006, Disney bought Pixar and since then Iger has given Lasseter free rein to produce unconventional films that on paper seem like they would be total disasters (Ratatouille, the story of a rat in the kitchen) but manage to make millions at the box office.
Also thanks to CemexNet, Zambrano can use a laptop or the IBM 770 ThinkPad computer in his office in the ten-story concrete-and-glass Cemex headquarters in downtown Monterrey to check on the daily production, kiln conditions, crushing, bagging and shipping output at any Cemex operation around the world.
In Midtown, 444 Park Avenue South will be converted from a 14-story office building to a boutique hotel.
FORBES: $300 Per Night Rooms Spurs NYC Hotel Building Frenzy
He retells the story of a British Foreign Office applicant being asked to name the two most important things in the world.
"Jones, get in here, " he'd bark at me from his office door if he found even one comma out of place in a story I'd edited, or a fact that didn't quite add up.
Told from here, from this hard bench that is both bed and chair, table and couch, inside walls and bars painted a dark gray like a grim parody of jail, the story has a different ring than it would if I could tell it from the desk in my office.
Despite the slight improvement driven Toy Story 3's robust debut, box office figures are running at about a 4% slower pace in the second quarter than a year ago.
Into his eighties, Mr Grunfeld put in a full day at the office, apologising to his younger colleagues, according to one story, if he wished to go home as early as fiveish in the afternoon.
In response to that message, a spokesperson for the Office of Public Affairs informed me that the story I had related was distressing and that consumers should promptly contact the FTC with their information.
In a Ho Chi Minh City office near the Saigon River, I interviewed another Vietnamese entrepreneur with a story that has echoes of China start-ups in it.
When Bacanovic returned to the office, he took his assistant out for coffee and related the story of how in just a few short years he'd become top performer at Merrill.