In a nutshell, he recommends purchasing a simple prepaid cell phone plan from Straight Talk or a regular monthly plan from T-Mobile.
Biden's broader goal is to make McCain and Palin's basic credibility an issue, thus damaging McCain's previous brand as a practitioner of straight talk.
McCain, they felt comfortable giving him something he knows a lot about: straight talk.
CNN: Graham: McCain ... stopped Congress from losing this war
McCain has been doing a version of the Straight Talk show for so long that the veterans know all the lines.
Larry Grisolano, a top Democratic strategist, says companies with consumer brands should consider learning from President Barack Obama and refashioning their advertising appeals to woo consumers who crave straight talk and a sense of community.
This essay was eventually bundled into a 200-page book titled Serious Money: Straight Talk About Investing for Retirement.
In 2000, McCain upset then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush in the New Hampshire primary by touting "straight talk" and his record as a Republican maverick.
With all of the conjecture about the true condition of state and local government finances and the likelihood of future municipal bond defaults, straight talk that you can trust comes at a premium.
FORBES: Loose Lips, Lots Of Hype Make Municipal Bonds Look Juicy
McCain's "Straight Talk" theme, his record as a Navy pilot and prisoner of war in Vietnam and dogged campaigning led to a win in the New Hampshire primary that stunned the Bush camp.
In a world short of conviction politicians, Mr McCain's Straight Talk Express has its charms.
If Americans want straight talk and plain truth, they should take a good close look at John McCain.
He'll launch a bare-bones insurgent effort, traveling the state on his Straight Talk Express bus and numerous holding town hall meetings.
For the 2008 campaign, the Straight Talk (as the McCain staff calls it) began as a state-of-the-art behemoth, as big as a tractor-trailer.
He hired a smart media guy in Mike Murphy, who was last seen riding shotgun on John McCain's Straight Talk Express.
Such straight talk has brought Naftali Bennett much criticism from those inside and outside Israel who support the goal of a two-state solution (Israel and an independent Palestine living side-by-side).