• Apart from a surgical mask, nobody wears any protective garment or gas masks.


  • All visitors had to scrub down before entering the room, and her mother had to wear a surgical mask if she slept there.

    CNN: Summer camp, sick kids, new world view

  • Patients who are ill should be asked to wear a surgical mask to contain their secretions, he says, and they should use tissues and wash their hands frequently to prevent touch contamination.


  • Don long trousers, sturdy boots, a hat and a surgical mask (these are distributed to all visitors by park guides at the beginning of a tracking expedition) and prepare yourself for some sweaty, steep climbing through often-dense vegetation.

    BBC: Search the

  • The take-home message is this: Use a surgical mask when you are traveling to areas that have reported cases of swine flu and bring an additional one to give to anyone near you who forgot one or appears to be sick and is coughing or sneezing.

    CNN: Commentary: Flu and your health on a plane

  • Although it's not known for sure how much benefit a surgical mask has in preventing the transmission of swine flu, people who have the illness may consider wearing one as a way to reduce the amount they cough and sneeze onto others, said Dr. Arthur Reingold, head of the epidemiology division at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health.

    CNN: Masks keep you from spreading illness

  • Sorenson went on to excel as an inventor, developing such medical necessities as the disposable surgical mask and a thin-walled steel needle.

    FORBES: Billionaire Sorenson Gave It All Away

  • Sharp-eyed internet users have been mocking clips in the film of a Chinese doctor wearing a face mask but no surgical gloves when operating on Iron Man, as well as not-too-subtle product placements for a domestic milk drink.

    BBC: China media: Fake food scandals

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