When a user types in a keyword, such as a surname or a place name, Mocavo searches genealogy Web forums, websites and old discussion threads that rarely pop up in regular searches but can be useful for genealogists looking for clues.
When they got a match to a surname, the researchers ran numerous Internet searches to collect data on each individual's family tree, including obituaries, which often list the names of a deceased's family members.
Few white Britons or Germans will have their papers checked by a suspicious policeman or be refused a job interview because of a non-French surname.
Although police refused to reveal the deceased's full name, they did confirm a man with the surname Cheung had leapt from a hotel room at the luxury Mandarin Oriental Hotel.
Mr Sellal said the raid had been co-ordinated by a Canadian named only as Chedad - a common Arab surname in the region.
While their numbers have dwindled, their legacy remains: India's emblem is three lions perched on a pedestal, and the ubiquitous Indian surname Singh is a variation of the Sanskrit word for lion.
Luton resident George, who did not give a surname, called the situation "daylight robbery".
Are the privileged Mandelas - however much one respects the name and the legacy, and sympathises with the burden such a surname must sometimes be - best placed to champion the middle classes?
Although it was speculated that the next group chairman would also have a Tata surname, Mr. Mistry's appointment doesn't come as a surprise.
It's here that a former gang member, Maurice Costa, was murdered at a butcher's shop bearing his surname.
BBC: Murder in Corsica: Assassination stains an island's image
He goes by "Bill" not "Guillermo, " and "Richardson" isn't a typical Hispanic surname.
So the Shaans of Shandong are changing their surname to a more easily recognised form.
My own surname, a relative rarity, has even more variations: Suh, Seo, So, Soh, Sur, Suhr, even Sye.
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The addition of a hyphen to her surname for the purposes of her title was required under peerage rules, she confirmed.
She spotted Mr. Welch's Marine Corps pin and the dozen rifle-and-helmet memorial tattoos on his forearms, each bearing the surname of a fallen friend.
U.S. Patent No. 2, 292, 387 for a "Secret Communication System" was issued to Hedy Kiesler Markey and George Antheil in 1942. (Markey was the surname of a husband she had divorced in 1940.) The frequency-hopping technology was not put to use in World War II, but it was employed in 1962 during the blockade of Cuba.
It may have been committed by a relative with the same surname, who has since died, it says.
"This was and will be their only child, " said a teacher who gave her surname as Gao at the Northeast Yucai School where Ms. Lu once studied.
Under the headline "Gotovina - a Christmas bonus" - playing the pun on Gotovina's surname which also means cash - the paper says the arrest comes as a gift for the Christmas stockings of UN prosecutor Carla Del Ponte and Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader.
Kim Chauvin, an activist who lives in a small town that shares her surname, sells the shrimp that her husband and her two sons catch.
Two hundred members of a Chinese family are reportedly changing surname because the character used to write it is so rare computers do not recognise it.
"While there have been more occasions when there is standing room only, there are still some periods when it's slow, " said a counter staff who gave her surname as Wang.
He is also a Hawaiian kid with an apostrophe in his surname.
Andrew, from Wales - who did not want his surname used - said that as a 57 year-old he was surprised when a number of young, attractive women contacted him via cupid.com.
Do you really want to put online all of your family information, your surname, your date of birth, online on a site which people can view day in day out?
When a child is born, the question comes up again: his surname, hers, hyphenated combination or an altogether new name?
At the time my parents were living in Africa so I travelled a bit more than other kids at school, and with the surname Cook I ended up with the nickname Thomas Cook (the travel agent).
Beginning in the late '50s, a good deal of that allure came from the compositions of Bley's then-wife, a composer and pianist born Carla Borg who, using the Bley surname, would become an enduring jazz progressive in her own right.
Mr Howard, a business consultant, had claimed his father, 76, whose original surname was Lawson, had "forfeited" his right to inherit the castle in 1962 by neglecting to comply with some terms in his great grandfather's will.
He went on to reprise the role in a 1956 film version alongside Deborah Kerr (unrelated to him, despite the surname), who also repeated her Broadway role.