• The problem, according to a recent study and survey by Jennifer Lawless of American University and Richard Fox of Loyola Marymount University, is that so few choose to run.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • Most of the time I write about a study or survey and how the findings may impact a marketer or advertiser or brand manager, brand manager or your local butcher.

    FORBES: In Honor Of Some Brilliantly Creative Work

  • And that's a problem, considering the results of the Mobile Mindset Study, a recent survey that found three out of five U.S. smartphone users don't go more than hour without checking their gadgets.

    CNN: Your smartphone may be powering down your relationship

  • That's according to LIMRA, an insurance industry research outfit, which based its study on a survey of 3, 766 households.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Part of the research study included a survey of 500 business travellers and executives from the US, United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil and China.

    BBC: Business travel is big business

  • The findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, come from 60, 290 questionnaires filled out by women in the Nurses' Health Study, a survey of more than 121, 000 female registered nurses begun in 1976.

    BBC: Exercise reduces gallstone risk

  • In fact, two different sources of data ( a survey of scientists and a study linking agreement to the credibility of the expert) converge on the same fact: 97 to 98 percent of climate scientists are convinced by the evidence for anthropogenic climate change.

    FORBES: Climategate-gate: The Dangerous Psychology of Ongoing Climate Change Denial

  • The resulting study involved a survey of 400, 000 soldiers and 150, 000 spouses, 95 public forums, 140 focus groups, an external review by consultants from the RAND Corporation and numerous consultations with senior soldiers, army chaplains, military doctors, the heads of military academies, foreign allies, veterans' groups, politicians and activists both for and against repeal not to mention a review of 72, 384 comments submitted by e-mail.

    ECONOMIST: A Pentagon report gives gays the all-clear

  • The survey cites a recent Mayo Clinic study that suggested an additional 2 to 3 percent increase of developing breast cancer as a result of being on the pill.

    CNN: Gaps found in young people's sex knowledge

  • An estimated 85.4 trillion cubic feet of "undiscovered, technically recoverable gas" is frozen in the state's North Slope region, according to a U.S. Geological Survey study released by the Interior Department.

    CNN: Study: Tap natural gas from Alaska's frozen areas

  • Berenson reports in the May 2012 issue of Health Affairs on findings from the most recent wave of the Community Tracking Study, a biannual survey of hospital leaders working in large metropolitan areas.

    FORBES: Are Insurance Companies the Key to Lower Prices?

  • The study is based on a survey conducted from June 29 to August 8 among 9, 513 adults including 4, 638 mobile device owners.

    ENGADGET: Pew Research finds 22 percent of adults in US own tablets, low-cost Android on the rise

  • However, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, an arm of the Justice Department, cautioned that the previous study was based on a survey of current inmates in both state and federal institutions.


  • Previous projects have included everything from workshops on designing and building less-polluting cookstoves to efforts to build and repair schools and roads to a two-year survey by scientists to study and map the Mekong.

    WSJ: Southeast Asia Gets a Boost From Clinton

  • An October study by the American Small Manufacturers Coalition found that approximately 45% of manufacturers operate or partner in one or more production facilities outside the U.S. The study was based on a survey of 824 manufacturers, 87 percent of which were privately held.

    FORBES: (Once again) Made in the U.S.A.

  • Researchers used data from the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study, a large, continuing survey of the health habits of roughly 12, 000 Australian adults.

    FORBES: Research Shows that the More You Sit, the Less You'll Live

  • The study, based on a telephone survey of immigrants, also demonstrates that the majority of those polled find life in the US a great deal more lucrative than the life they left behind.

    BBC: NEWS | Americas | L America buoyed by migrants' pay

  • The 47% figure is ultimately derived from a 1993 federal study, the National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS).

    FORBES: Detroit Literacy Numbers Questionable

  • Another facet of this study was that the researchers used a survey to tease out other factors that might be influencing semen quality.

    ECONOMIST: Sex: Twin peaks | The

  • In the massive 1994 study Sex in America: A Definitive Survey, the authors conjecture that men may exaggerate or women may understate the number of sex partners they have had.

    CNN: Margaret Carlson On Sex And, ...Honesty. Honestly

  • In April 2012, a study by scientists at the US Geological Survey of the interior of the US found that events of magnitude 3 or greater had "abruptly increased in 2009" from 1.2 per year in the previous 50 years to more than 25 per year - although a number of gas and oil extraction methods may be implicated in the rise.

    BBC: Oklahoma earthquake linked to oil extraction wastewater

  • Here, a study called the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey has been going on since 1983.

    ECONOMIST: Vaccination

  • For his post on the Forbes website, Avik Roy produced a chart showing results from the Health Tracking Study Physician Survey.

    FORBES: Health Wonk Review Review: Medicaid, HRAs, & P4P

  • Still, 26% of parents "often" or "sometimes" spank their 19-to-35-month-old children, according to a 2004 study in the journal Pediatrics, which analyzed survey data collected by the federal government from 2, 068 parents of young children.

    WSJ: Smarter Ways to Discipline Children

  • In the framework of its ISARM project, UNESCO-IHP participated in close partnership with the French Water Academy, the International Office for Water and the French Geological Survey (BRGM) in the preparation of a methodological study, launched by the French Development Agency (AFD) in order to efficiently contribute to take up the challenges of the sustainable management of transboundary aquifers.


  • Successful completion of that survey was a key criteria for an April 2011 Rudd Center study on food addiction.

    FORBES: Compliant Media Plays Its Role in Activists' War on Food

  • In Dr Attari's study, for example, the survey provided a reference measure by stating the amount of energy used by a standard light bulb.

    ECONOMIST: Energy conservation

  • Most recently, IWV commissioned a study in Colorado, which began with a baseline survey of 800 Independents to test their knowledge about key economic facts.

    FORBES: Demography Isn't Destiny When Voters Are Economically Informed

  • At a House Armed Services Personnel Subcommittee hearing on Wednesday, one of the homosexual advocates, Rep. Susan Davis, will nonetheless rig the survey and the study of which it will be a part.


  • The Army Corps, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Geological Survey continue to study the issue and hope within a couple of years to refine methods of determining the likely source of a particular DNA sample, she said.

    WSJ: Report: Asian carp may have reached Great Lakes

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