After that accident, there was a temporary suspension of hot air balloon flights while safety measures were improved.
BBC: Crash casts pall over Egypt tourism image
Other opposition parties recently restarted their campaigns after a temporary suspension in observation of the holy month of Muharram, which ended last week.
CNN: Bhutto's death clouds Pakistan campaign
An outburst from the public gallery during a debate on hydraulic fracturing caused a temporary suspension of the assembly, on 6 December 2011.
BBC: Hydraulic fracturing
The head of Freeport's Indonesia unit, Rozik Soetjipto, says it is a temporary suspension out of sympathy for the victims but also due to some safety considerations around underground operations.
BBC: Freeport's Grasberg copper mine
That seemed a lot for a country of 13m people. (Only about 10, 000 foreign adoptions a year take place in China.) Now the number has dropped to zero after a temporary suspension.
ECONOMIST: International adoption
As this report from the Northern Territory shows, even a temporary suspension will not only hit cattle farmers, but all the support industries, like trucking firms and, more curiously, helicopter mustering groups.
BBC: Did animal cruelty report lead to an over-reaction?
But under pressure from the public and facing something of a backbench revolt on the issue, now the government has gone further and announced a temporary suspension on all live exports to Indonesia.
BBC: Did animal cruelty report lead to an over-reaction?
The best way to ease those immediate fears would be to halt Iran's accumulation of 19.75% LEU. Mr Jalili and his team might agree to a temporary suspension in return for some immediate relief on sanctions, say an EU promise to suspend the oil embargo.
ECONOMIST: Iran and nuclear weapons
The suspension is also likely to lead to a temporary shutdown of one nuclear plant operated by German utility EnBW AG, and if continued, may force another owned by RWE AG offline, at least temporarily, this year.
FORBES: Aftershocks: Nuclear Energy Fallout From Japan
The Australian will nevertheless not face the maximum penalty of a two-year suspension, with his nine-month ban backdated to start from 23 December 2002, when a temporary worldwide restriction was first enforced.
BBC: Bosnich given ban