• Family doctors train for three years after medical school, complete a load of continuing education, and pass a thorough exam every ten years.

    FORBES: The Bipartisan Plan To Eradicate Family Medicine

  • Indeed, upon his arrival, Napoleon spun into a veritable tornado of activity, ordering a plethora of public works, like boosting agriculture, road-building, marsh draining and a thorough overhaul of the legal and education systems.

    BBC: Following Napoleon��s trail on Elba

  • In order for the mathematisation of nature, that many historians regard as the core of the scientific revolution, to be consummated it became necessary in the 16th and 17th centuries to reform the prevailing education system and introduce a thorough grounding in the mathematical sciences in order to produce the mathematicians, astronomers and physicists capable of carrying out the task.

    FORBES: A Long Forgotten Father of the Scientific Revolution

  • He plans to reverse a rise in violent crime with a thorough overhaul of the police, almost to double spending on education and to cut the proportion of Dominicans in poverty from 34% to around 20%.

    ECONOMIST: New rum in old bottles

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