Using a top-down approach, they might develop a basic forecast of the economy followed by an assessment of which industries hold the most promise.
She adopted a top-down approach to reform that turned off would-be allies.
London has approached the problem with more of a top-down approach.
It was nice to hear that so many organizations have programs and a top-down approach that helps with employee retention and well-being as well as personal and professional growth.
This is in turn reflected in a top-down approach by school reformers like Michelle Rhee and Joel Klein that leaves teachers, parents, and local communities out of the decision-making process.
Instead of a top-down approach which families could find "faceless, disjointed and unhelpful", he wanted to "empower" families to sort out their own problems by providing them with a single person to deal with.
Another MMO that takes a similar top-down style approach is Lineage Eternal.
While I employ a bottom up approach, top down macroeconomic factors play a critical role in my investment process.
Generally, I prefer a primarily bottom-up approach with a healthy amount of deference to the top-down, regardless of market cap, and I think such a combination works especially well for penny stocks.
In short the qPCR test can be considered a bottom up approach, while microarrays are more top down.
Spain and other distressed parts of the Eurozone require a two-pronged top-down and bottom-up approach which will assist in implementation of reform.
CNN: After the bailout, Spain needs to rise to the challenge
While these points are all important for your business to succeed, many leaders will often neglect these key factors (in particular their employees) by taking a more top-down, rather than bottom-up approach.
FORBES: Ask Your Employees What They Need Before Your Business Begins to Fail
In the absence of mature debate top down planning within a legislative framework is probably the most satisfactory approach.
The chapter discusses both the bottom-up environmental movement in the West and the top-down governmental approach in China and presents a case for mutual learning and collaboration.
Instead, investors should take a more holistic approach, mixing bottom-up insights with top-down analysis.
What we have in Detroit is an Emergency Manager appointed by the previous governor who was facing a challenge from the School District which was frustrated by his top-down approach to school reform.
Big Data, while ripe with potential to be mined for insights, needs a different, more dynamic approach to realizing its possibilities than the top-down, root-cause analysis of traditional business intelligence.
FORBES: Big Data, Big Payoff: Delivering Moneyball Results To Business
Berlin has announced its own, much more modest, version of London's Tech City Investment Organization, marking a policy change for the city which to date had shunned the top-down approach that London embraced.
Using a bottom-up approach to his research, as opposed to Mr McCullough's top-down method of looking at the project through a geopolitical prism, Mr Parker has written the Panama story for a new generation.