All were shocked to learn that the United States has a total of just 11 aircraft carriers.
Windows Phone marked its second anniversary with a total of just 3.6 million units shipped worldwide, fewer than the total number of Symbian units shipped.
ENGADGET: IDC: Android claims 75 percent of smartphone shipments in Q3, 136 million handsets sold
Racking up a second RackMac mini Xserver provides two redundant metadata controllers occupying a total of just 2U of rack space and costing a fraction of available alternatives.
ENGADGET: Sonnet announces RackMac mini Xserver, makes Apple desktop IT life seem more legit
But a tally based on the number of papers sent out to members in 1997, in the ballot to endorse Mr Hague's leadership election win, yields a total of just over 399, 000.
While the overall cost of the project remains broadly unchanged from a deal reached in March, the agreement calls for a price increase per plane of 11m euro, for a total of just under 2bn euro, and a further 1.5bn euro provided by credits against future exports.
Today, a herd of takins lives within a refuge at the edge of Thimpu, the sleepy capital of a country the size of Switzerland with a total population of just 700, 000.
But between 1991 and 2000 emerging markets delivered a total return of just 38% and developed markets returned 171%.
Nucleus Research maintains the actual cost of a device makes up just 10 percent of the total cost of deploying that device in a business environment.
Some suggest using the ultimate goal of total elimination just as a framework for a whole series of steps that could in time ensure greater security, with much reduced nuclear numbers.
James Gibbs, Frontier's chief, has no sympathy for Canadian producers that feel they're getting ripped off on the heavy crude his company buys, 50, 000 barrels a day (just under a third of its total petroleum consumption).
In 2001, for instance, the eleven members of OPEC accounted for only just over a third of total oil production worldwide.
Thirty-eight percent of residents aged 15 to 35 reported going to the movies at least once a month in 2010, and the year prior saw a total of 28.8 million visits to the movies, impressive for a population of just 4.5 million.
Mr Martin, the first candidate to be debated, was elected with the backing of just 370 members out of a Commons total of more than 650 MPs.
Spend zero time trying to win them over, she says, as is just a total waste of headspace.
They are 17th overall in home attendance at more than 23, 000 per game after finishing second to last in the league in 2010 with a total of 1.6 million, just shy of 20, 000 per contest.
FORBES: Pirates Are Proof Small-Market Teams Can Still Play Tall
Their show, "Hands on a Hardbody, " based on a 1997 documentary about a contest in Texas to win a truck, played just 56 total performances and became the fastest close of a new musical this season.
The stakes could not be higher: Production from shale formations has grown from a negligible amount just a few years ago to almost 15 percent of total U.S. natural gas production.
Consider: Production from shale formations has grown from a negligible amount just a few years ago to almost 15 percent of total U.S. natural gas production and this share is expected to triple in the coming decades.
But Kevin Pietersen made just six in a total of 185-2, in which Ravi Bopara (88 not out) was impressive.
Solar power, which consumes half the total subsidy but provides just a fifth of renewable electricity, is racing ahead of target.
Optimization is lot more than just driving more for less, and much more than just a compelling Total Cost of Ownership story.
For a metro area whose population is just over that number at 182, 000, a total of 120 rapes occurred over 12 months.
Draizen estimates the Internet's share of total ad spending hovers around 6%, which she said reflects just a fraction of its reach among consumers.
That was just a fraction of the total of 691, 937 reported traffic accidents in 2011.
WSJ: In Japan, Television Viewing Doesn't Have to Take a Back Seat
So the two lines on one chart are not a good way of comparing the total numbers affected, just the chances for one person.
At this point, the company claims just over a third of total sales from outside the US, but has aspirations to grow that to 40% by 2014.
The head of Boston's public health commission, Barbara Ferrer, said that the 700 flu cases reported could represent just a fraction of the total and that thousands of others could be ill.
Net profits from the multinational banks are just a sliver of the industry total, maxing out at 1%.
But as strong as these domestic niches may be, they add up to just a few per cent of total sales.