Your time and talent are a treasure to a nonprofit, and speaking from experience, offering that type of leadership to an organization dedicated to saving lives is one of the most rewarding experiences you can ever have.
In a brief nod to more old-school exploration, the game gives you a treasure map to hunt down some magical armor.
O'Connor was described as "a public figure and a civic treasure to the San Diego community" for 30 years, according to court papers filed by her attorney.
Evans's shrewdness and determination, along with his willingness to spend freely, secured him the site against competition from French, Italian and American archaeologists, in a scramble among the Great Powers for a treasure trove to rival Heinrich Schliemann's excavations at Troy and Mycenae on the mainland.
Music and ceili dance sessions, horse trading, burger and chip-eating and fireworks ensue and the festival comes to a close when a local 12-year old schoolgirl gets crowned Queen Puck, a title to treasure till August comes 'round again.
From the adventurous recreationalist to the avid shopper, this city is a treasure trove just waiting to be explored.
We took a flight to Miami, then a puddle-jumper direct to Treasure Cay, one of the largest and most developed of the Abaco Islands.
Entry to the new Wizardland areas is voluntary, but one never knows if the code passed along from a friend or forum will lead to a relatively unguarded treasure trove or a floor fourteen death trap.
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There certainly seems to be no shortage of believers, including Doug Preston, whose novel "The Codex" about a notorious treasure hunter and tomb robber who buries himself and his treasure as a final challenge to his three sons, is loosely based on Fenn's story.
But even if you'll never be able to afford a treasure like the Duke-Semans mansion, take comfort that the museum across the street allows access to the trappings of great wealth and beauty--for as little as a penny.
Mr Mortimer nonetheless luxuriates in what he has: grants to chantries and hospitals, rewards for service, reports from ambassadors, requests for provisioning (all those thousands of longbows, arrows, barrels of beer, sides of beef) and the ceaseless pawning of a large part of Henry's treasure to pay for his whim of a war.
Pinterest is a treasure trove for brands to see in real time what people want waiting under the tree for them.
' as there are five hidden around the church and they can do a sort of treasure hunt to find them.
Tintin (Jamie Bell), the young reporter with an orange-brown quiff and insatiable curiosity, pursues a buried treasure, journeying to the far corners by ship, plane, and motorcycle.
Tintin (Jamie Bell), the young reporter with an orange-brown quiff and an insatiable curiosity, pursues a buried treasure, journeying to the far corners of the earth by ship, plane, and motorcycle.
The scheme is similar to a treasure hunt launched in 1979 by the author of a British children's book, "Masquerade, " which had clues to the location of an 18-carat jeweled golden hare hidden somewhere in Britain.
It seemed a pity to have travelled to one of the gaudiest treasure ports along the old Spanish Main and to not at least have a crack at seeing some gold doubloons, especially since rumours abound of beachcombers here occasionally finding delicious bits of treasure washed up on the sands after a storm.
The greatest honor for a Japanese musician or painter is to be designated a "Living Treasure" by the government.
Whether at sunset or in candlelight, the HTC One SV's front camera promises a self-portrait to treasure.
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The Gulf of Mexico--Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama have no offshore drilling hang-ups--has already proved to be a treasure trove.
They have been able to uncover a treasure trove of hitherto unknown links between specific genetic variants and diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Lancaster Council leader Eileen Blamire said she would like the city to pay a contribution to ensure the treasure is put on display in the city first.
If ye could have made a wish and shrunk to a Tom Thumb ye could have climbed aboard and put to sea for treasure islands.
Laura Croft and Indiana Jones: While these CMOs may not possess superpowers, they are still able to lead their organizations through a series of trials and tribulations to find treasure at the end of the journey.
Ms. Parramore believes the growing number of female entrepreneurs is actually a national treasure and that, as a country, we need to capitalize on the trend and use it as a critical engine for economic growth.
One of the biggest hits at Joypolis is a 3D adventure in which treasure-hunting players explore a castle and try to fend off creepy zombies.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch | Who Needs Nature? Japan Does It Better
Lennar is joining with Wilson Meany, a San Francisco developer, along with Stockbridge Capital Group, Hillwood, Scala, Estein and Kenwood Investments, a real-estate fund founded by former Democratic lobbyist Darius Anderson, to build the Treasure Island project, which includes up to 8, 000 homes, a 500-room hotel and about 300, 000 square feet of commercial space.
The time-honoured way for a Republican opposition to undermine a Democratic president is to depict him as profligate with the nation's treasure and careless of its security.
But the Arizona gift clause, particularly now that it has been reinterpreted by the courts to match its original intent, is quite literally a treasure for our state, and a provision I would love to see emulated, particularly at the national level.
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