Your cell phone could serve up 60-second plot teasers promoting a TV program that night and amateur video from people chasing tornadoes in the Midwest.
Fans of regular TV will find comfort in Aereo's Guide, which includes all the trappings of a TV program guide with channels listed on the left and days and times running across the top of the screen.
In recent days, rumors spread on social networks and media sites on line saying that Coca-Cola China admitted in a TV program called Topics in Focus on the China Central Television network that its orange juice products contain a fungicide called Carbendazim.
Stephen Gillers, a professor at New York University School of Law who specializes in legal ethics, said while there is "nothing wrong" with a prosecutor detailing his office's work on a TV program, there is a limit to what prosecutors are allowed to disseminate about still-pending cases.
Microsoft did not launch Surface with a sponsored TV program or hire a popular band to play for the press.
Bailey produces "A Family For Me, " a cable TV program that showcases tough-to-adopt cases, like 13-year-old Joel.
John the Baptist's video gets the nod for Steelroots, a teen TV program featuring Christ-friendly sports, music and reality programming.
Before flying to London, he told a Spanish TV program that he was expecting to be hired as Chelsea coach by the end of the week.
Rhodes-Hughes recounted the Kennedy shooting and her initial contact with Melanson in a 1992 interview on "Contact, " a local TV program carried at the time in Vancouver by Rogers Cable.
"Hockey Night in Canada, " which features the game of the week, is a colossally successful TV program.
He told a private Egyptian TV program that his sister was married to an American and had obtained U.S. citizenship, but that his mother had not.
He told a private Egyptian TV program that his sister, Hanan Salah Abu Ismael, was married to an American and had obtained U.S. citizenship, but that his mother had not.
Still to come: The singer-actress has both a Disney Channel movie (Princess Protection Program) and a TV show (Sonny With a Chance) in the works.
The pace of change puts media companies that make TV shows and program TV channels in a dilemma.
There are many, many ways that you could program a TV channel to appeal to geeks.
FORBES: 'Guys Who are Into Gaming are Not Necessarily Watching Television'
First, the idea of needed to sit in front of a TV to experience a program was chipped at with VCR (which still were relatively complicated to operate) and then DVRs, which made most TV an on-demand model.
If, for example, a program on TV is talking about the grand opening of a new store, you'll be able to follow a link that's displayed on your screen, and you'll be taken to directions of how to get to the store from wherever you may be.
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Google TV has not been a game-changer, and The TV offerings of the Fiber program are far from being a cable killer, yet, but Google is betting that transcendent internet speeds will trump the raw channel count for many users.
Though it started airing four times a week only in early July, India's version of the U.S. TV program Who Wants to Be a Millionaire has become a scorchingly successful small-screen phenomenon like nowhere else in the region.
Coupled with the pre-installed Peel app (the same one loaded on the 7.0 Plus), the Tab 2 becomes a universal TV remote replete with personalized program recommendations.
Now the potential for a group of friends or family to program their own TV night, or TV by appointment, and watch it remotely will bring a very different dynamic for marketers.
Users can even choose where they want to watch a program, whether on a TV connected to a Media Center PC or one in another room connected to a Media Center extender.
ENGADGET: Ceton Companion apps for iOS and Android are available, bring WMC mobile control for $5
As a result of the situation, the LSE said it had asked the BBC to withdraw the "Panorama" TV program, scheduled to be broadcast Monday, and to make a full apology -- a request the BBC has so far refused.
In addition, Slingbox Companion will feature supplemental TV program content like live stats during a sporting event, enhancing the TV-viewing experience.
ENGADGET: Slingboxes get My Media syncing to USB, Companion iPad app for at-home viewing
This takes TV from a one trick pony to a sustainable marketing program.
With just a year to go, we laid out a simple six-step program that would help confused TV watchers ensure that they would be ready on the seventeenth day of February, the year two-thousand and nine.
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The Fox TV show. which is an Americanized version of a British talent program. begins filming today.
This is Kinect Sesame Street TV, a fully interactive version of the award-winning educational program that goes on sale exclusively for Microsoft s Xbox game console in September.
Elsewhere, though, he might have diagnosed a want of fizz, or, more charitably, a dearth of roles, which has sent the sharper talents into a sort of witness-protection program, or confined them to TV.
OurTown was an experiment in hyper-local TV that began by ganging to VHS decks together and editing a program that was seen by the 25, 000 subscribers in my collect town of Saratoga Springs New York.