The well-lit bath had a twin vanity, a stand-alone shower and a generous soaking tub.
Economically, too, Australia is not so much a twin-speed economy right now, as a multi-speed economy.
Scott Brown is emphasizing women in a twin pair of advertisements narrated by his wife Gail Huff.
"It's meant to be like a twin, " said Dave Bedwood, a partner at Lean Mean Fighting Machine.
They plan to build a twin tower consisting of a 326-room hotel and a 46, 000-square-foot medical center.
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Consultants suggested a Twin Otter, or similar sized aircraft, could be used to bring in 14, 500 passengers a year.
In an instant, she reappears in the window seat closest to Liz, her backpack beside her like a twin.
One of its airplanes, a twin-engine Piper Navajo, spent six weeks this summer flying back and forth over eastern Kansas.
Dr Drayna has already been involved in a twin study which revealed that the perception of musical pitch is highly heritable.
The Radiant was a twin rig trawler built by the La Parilla Shipyard in northern Spain and delivered to Peterhead in April 2001.
Standard onboard features include the Audio 20 with a 14.7 cm colour screen, a twin tuner, an MP3-capable CD player and a USB connection.
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But if the numbers are right, Russia is heading towards a twin deficit economy, where the government budget and external trade balance are negative.
Victoria talked to Victor via Skype throughout his freshman year while he was living with teammate Will Sheehey (who also has a twin sister).
WSJ: Indiana's Victor Oladipo Is the Latest Big Basketball Star to Have a Twin Sister
This mission is, in some ways, a twin of the earlier GRACE mission, which tracks geophysical, gravitational, and climate changes here on Earth.
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Searchers found the plane, a Twin Otter aircraft carrying three people, close to the summit of Mount Elizabeth in Queen Alexandra Range, in Antarctica.
CNN: 3 believed dead after plane wreckage found in Antarctica
The drug is not intended for use in women with a multiple pregnancy, such as a twin pregnancy, or other risk factors for preterm birth.
The 21-year-old, who has a twin sister, had been in Bahrain for about two months when the Volvo 60 yacht was stopped almost a week ago.
There's also a new CTS performance model, the Vsport, with a twin-turbo V-6 engine that can go from zero to 60 mph in an estimated 4.6 seconds.
So a surge in a mother's testosterone at a point in development different from the surges produced by a twin brother might account for the researchers' discovery.
The general manager of Tribhuvan International Airport, Ratish Chandra Lal Suman, said in a statement that the plane, a twin-propeller Dornier, had struck a vulture soon after take-off.
Nancy Segal, a Cal State Fullerton psychology professor, theorized that because girls mature faster than boys, having a twin sister could provide a second mother and extra encouragement.
WSJ: Indiana's Victor Oladipo Is the Latest Big Basketball Star to Have a Twin Sister
From the British base, a twin-rotor helicopter ferries U.S. Marines and equipment to Camp Dwyer, another British base that now is also home to the U.S. Marines 24th Expeditionary Unit.
It was the combination of these two players that was so lethal on defense, of Jordan with the player who, he said, was like having a twin brother on the court.
Death-penalty opponents originally considered their cause as a twin to that other great Enlightenment project, the abolition of slavery, and efforts to end both age-old practices ran at first in parallel.
Jack Parker, their former coach and a twin himself, said sometimes he had to check Mike's right ear to tell the twins apart because Mike had a freckle there that Mark didn't have.
The timbermen's frustration reached boiling point last October, when members of the Associated Contract Loggers took the advice of a Twin Cities lawyer, Stephen Young, and filed suit against environmentalists and the Forest Service.
But many of the other rooms are not--you can comfortably play billiards on the fine English table, a twin of one at Buckingham Palace, but the library or Jade Room may get a bit sticky.
Speaking in Brussels, Gro Harlem Brundtland - the UN's special envoy on climate change - suggested there would now be a twin-track approach, with some of the important discussions taking place outside the UNFCCC umbrella.