Constantly working to refine their product, is a veritable lab of dating science.
Included is a veritable cemetery of old retail haunts, including Circuit City and Border Group.
FORBES: Best Buy and J.C. Penney -- Retail Brand Morbidity Does Not Equal Brand Mortality
But that aspect seems like a veritable after-dinner mint swallowed while driving the SUV away from the all-you-can-eat.
As Forbes has pointed out before, the SEC is a veritable revolving door for Wall Street career-climbers.
For defense lawyers of a certain vintage, the early 2000s were a veritable golden age for accounting fraud cases.
FORBES: Accounting Fraud Cases Are Dead. Long Live Accounting Fraud Cases.
You can also purchase Roominate, a veritable DIY dollhouse with working circuits.
It is at the centre of an intense ferment of musical experiences and has spawned a veritable cultural economy.
In 1918, town leaders built a veritable barricade, closing down the railroad station and blocking all roads into town.
The Fitch credit agency has taken away its triple-A rating, a veritable death knell for a bond insurer.
The dish reportedly got its name in Charleston, South Carolina, and it is a veritable staple of Lowcountry cooking.
But without the dogged work of a veritable army of planners and engineers, annoyance would have spilled over into catastrophe.
Pakistan has never been an easy nation to govern, but Sharif, 49, has inherited a veritable Himalaya of challenges.
The guest list was a veritable who's who of the region's biggest magnates, in fields ranging from banking to bananas.
The study uncovered a veritable gallery of insights, among them three key drivers that lead people to make quicker decisions.
Education subsidies, therefore, waste resources that could be better used elsewhere, particularly when education is provided by a veritable monopoly.
One reporter said there was a veritable "hedge of khaki" around the tomb of Britain's unknown soldier of World War I.
Logic, and a veritable mountain of circumstantial evidence, point the other way.
The first was that a veritable Babel of incompatible standards grew up.
This, unfortunately, is something we saw several times early on, with a veritable Island of Doctor Moreau full of failed, mutant plastic experiments.
ENGADGET: MakerBot Replicator impressions: the dawning of 3D printers in every home?
Women like Noorjehan are leading a veritable revolution in the beleaguered Muslim community in Gujarat, which comprises less than 10% of the state's population.
Obviously, SLYDE is a veritable Swiss-made luxury watch, placing all the technological savoir-faire developed for its conception at the service of reading the time.
The download service for a veritable smorgasbord of videogames, Steam games could be played only on a PC running Windows and occasionally a Mac.
FORBES: Not A Lie: 'Portal' And 'Left 4 Dead 2' Arrive On Linux
What a person chooses to adorn him or herself with can betray a veritable cornucopia of information about their character, perhaps not immediately obvious.
The millions of third-party apps in online stores can be a veritable petri dish for malware ready to infect mobile devices and corporate networks.
FORBES: 6 Reasons Your Company Should Have Its Own App Store
Without a blanket policy of nondiscrimination, corporate or foundation giving to the Boy Scouts of America at the national level is a veritable landmine.
In the late 1980s, Republicans were a veritable ideas factory, proposing ways to reduce taxes, spur economic growth and reform entitlement programs, among other solutions.
In fact, the resulting tube-like structure was but the overture to a major symphony of cat-related outdoor enclosures, a veritable pet Disneyland, if you will.
WSJ: Cat-Product Entrepreneurs Stay Steps Ahead of the Copycats
They wowed fans with a 9-0 win in a veritable Monsoon to clinch the National League Pennant and earn a trip to The World Series.
The development is a veritable oasis in an otherwise dusty town.
The visually striking glass roof becomes a veritable parabolic sound mirror.
FORBES: New Flagship Apple Store In Palo Alto, A Jobs Legacy, Is Cool, But Unbearably Noisy