And of course acquiring players is only one part of a very expensive equation.
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At the same time, Brazil has turned itself into a very expensive place to do business.
From the perspective of an investee company, private equity can be a very expensive source of capital.
But it now appears that Huffington did make a very expensive mistake that has cost her dearly.
It becomes a very expensive proposition and there is nobody to do it unless the government supports it.
She and her husband are trying to help him do that, but it's a long shot - a very expensive one.
He's like an enthusiastic boy who's just been given a very expensive toy.
It's a very expensive proposition, and the fact is that this is a system that itself is too big.
So when that free or introductory period is up, this can be a very expensive option for financing your business.
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But one thing evident from their research: Such therapeutic cloning could be a very expensive treatment, more costly than even the priciest drugs.
The early winner now appears a loser, most likely to be unplugged, and a very expensive investment with no payoff for NewsCorp investors.
So how would an independent Scotland and a newly-independent Rest-of-the-UK split the costs of the northern half of a very expensive new line?
Thus for 70% of the marketplace an iPhone would simply be a very expensive way of getting not very much service at all.
If you load up on too many international ETFs and mutual funds you can wind up with a very expensive, and inefficient, index fund.
"It's a very expensive business, but it's something we can't just walk away from and the fire department will always be there, " says Mr Mohler.
If your child attends a very expensive college, or you have several kids in college at the same time, you're more likely to get aid.
Steve Ballmer publicly dismissed the iPhone as a very expensive gadget.
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Trying to develop with open source in the same way they did with a real-time operating system can be a very expensive (not to mention extremely frustrating) experience.
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Aibo should now also recognize you, making it seem a little bit more like a real dog and a little less as if you're playing with a very expensive toy.
She has her headset on and is in the middle of trying to sell an indifferent manager at a big insurance company on the idea of buying a very expensive database software package.
For starters, New York is a very expensive market.
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That makes it a lot tougher to sell a house or a condo, and for people who've bought a new home and can't sell their old one, that's a very expensive problem.
That uncertainty is potentially a very expensive risk.
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Creating and investing in a new line of products is a very expensive form of advertising, and I think both the retailer and brand do want to measure success in sales dollars, not media impressions.
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On his 64th birthday this Sunday, Sir Paul will be in the middle of a messy divorce to model Heather Mills, and with the prospect of a very expensive settlement hanging over his head.
Somehow in 1968 the economy was able to pay for a very expensive Cold War, a very expensive hot war and a fairly prosperous consumer econonmy with trading at a miniscule fraction of todays level.
"If you're buying stock in a company that is banking its future on coal, you might be making a very expensive mistake, " warns Daniel Becker, director of global warming and energy policy at the Sierra Club.
FracFocus has been a very expensive enterprise to create, and should not be held responsible or criticized for not fulfilling all the desires of anti-fracking activists who are too lazy to do a little data mining work of their own.