• Add up the numbers, and coming soon to a voting booth near you is a critical mass of professionally driven, entrepreneurially minded and high-earning and high-powered women.

    FORBES: Read My Lipstick: No New Taxes

  • In one polling station in Tripoli, election officials brought out ballot papers, a voting booth and a ballot box to let a disabled man vote from a car.

    ECONOMIST: Libya��s election

  • We may never plumb the full intentions of the man or woman preparing to pull the lever in a voting booth...but in the next decade we may at least grow more comfortable with the result.

    FORBES: Computing Desire

  • Democrats said the turnover was a clear signal that dissatisfaction over the Iraq war, the unpopularity of President Bush and a series of Republican scandals played a role in the voting booth.

    CNN: Democrats to take control of House, CNN projects

  • It seems that 50, 000 retailers have a little sway in the voting booth.

    FORBES: In The Pill Box

  • That makes it different than what a legislator says on the campaign trail or what a private citizen does within the voting booth.

    FORBES: Legislative Free Speech Case Divides Scalia, Alito

  • In Britain, voters have to go to a specified booth near their home, which makes voting difficult for those who travel to work.

    ECONOMIST: The electoral system

  • Or to put it more directly, does social media drive offline behavior, whether it be a product purchase or pulling the lever in the voting booth?

    FORBES: How Valuable Are Heavy Social Media Users, Anyway?

  • That equates to 19 million people, or almost a third of Mr Bush's supporters in the voting booth.

    BBC: Karl Rove

  • Numbers like that make policy wonks go crazy, but in the voting booth, most Americans will pull the lever based on a different measure: how much they trust a candidate's integrity, and empathy.

    CNN: Why Ryan pick won't help Romney

  • Whether the wolf at the door is a common criminal or a foreign-trained terrorist, the legal issue at the level of the voting booth is simple: Where along the spectrum of personal safety do I and my family feel comfortable?

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Liz Cheney's big question

  • And the direction that we choose -- the direction that you choose when you walk into that voting booth in less than three months -- is going to have a direct impact not just on our lives, but on the lives of our children and our grandchildren for decades to come.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event

  • But I will say that it was really cool to be able to go into the voting booth on April 24, 2012 and see my name on the screen as a pledged delegate in support of President Obama.

    FORBES: The Kids In The (Convention) Hall: A Millennial Perspective On The DNC

  • She won by a two-thirds majority but didn't even know she was in the running until she went into the voting booth.

    CNN: Friday,

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