Just how many small firms will turn to technology to replace jobs in the face of a wage increase isn't clear.
WSJ: As Wages Rise, Firms Consider Replacing Workers With Devices
As a result, they have gone without a wage increase for years.
But Roger Tan, secretary-general of the Garment Manufacturers Union of Cambodia, insists that incidents of abuse are isolated and that calls for a wage increase are unreasonable.
In addition, when deciding which low-wage worker to retain following a minimum wage increase, employers may opt for a teenager, who may have high potential, over an adult who, because he still earns a low wage, likely has much lower potential.
How high must profits go before a modest wage increase isn't raised as a specter of impending corporate doom?
What may be left by the wayside until after the election - a budget blueprint, appropriations to run the government, immigration reform and border security, control of lobbyists, a minimum wage increase and health for senior citizens who missed a deadline for choosing a Medicare prescription plan.
The rare Republican rebellion Tuesday coincides with a notable shift to the left by Mr. Cuomo, who is advocating a minimum-wage increase and a package of women's rights laws this year in addition to the new firearms restrictions passed last month.
The House just passed a minimum wage increase, the first in 10 years, and the Senate will soon follow.
Advocates say a minimum wage increase can lead to even broader economic benefits.
Some 2, 500 teachers could be forced out of their classrooms unless their union agrees to a 2% wage increase instead of a promised 4%.
With the vote on a minimum wage increase set to come before Congress early in January, she thinks tax incentives for small business could pass. (She says she plans to vote for an increase in minimum wage either way).
This year, the commission recommended a substantial wage increase amounting to some 110 billion rupees, but also decided to slash the size of the bureaucracy by 30% in stages: some 350, 000 posts currently vacant would be immediately abolished, overtime would cease, the working week would increase from five to six days, and casual leave would be cut from 12 days a year to eight.
The previous pay offer included a 1% lump sum for 2012, a 3% wage increase in 2013 and a 4% pay rise in 2014.
While it is true that a minimum wage would increase the pay for those professors able to get a job, such a rule would also entail greater unemployment among persons qualified to become professors.
Trade unions are demanding a 65% wage increase, about double the inflation rate, it reports.
Members of Samwu and other unions walked out after being denied a 15% wage increase.
For example, a 20% rise in the minimum wage might result in a 10% increase in total employee compensation at companies that hire a large number of workers at the minimum wage.
FORBES: Though Income Can't Be Legislated, Obama's Minimum Wage Hike Is Not A Bad Idea
There is abundant evidence that a 10 percent increase in the minimum wage leads to a 1 to 3 percent decrease in employment of low-skilled workers (using teens as a proxy) in the short run, and to a larger decrease in the long run, along with rising unemployment.
FORBES: The Minimum Wage Delusion, And The Death Of Common Sense
Having stood firm for a full three days, it promised to reopen wage talks, and did not rule out another increase in the minimum wage, after a rise of 5.8% last year.
Last week, Lufthansa rejected union demands for a 5.2% wage increase over the next 12 months.
The Card and Krueger idea that a higher minimum wage will actually increase employment.
FORBES: Greg Mankiw's Excellent Question: Why a $9 Minimum Wage? Why Not $90? Or 90 cents?
For the poor median wage would be a considerable increase on their currently meagre wages.
FORBES: A Modest Proposal For Tax Reform: Make The IRS Pay Us For Filing A Return
Spending then would match recent projections from the Congressional Budget Office that say estimated total federal revenue will grow to 19.1% of GDP in 2023 as a result of, among other factors, a tax increase on high wage-earners enacted in January.
Or, Congress could enact a big increase in the minimum wage.
"With an increase of the millionaire's tax and a significant increase in the minimum wage, this budget takes strong steps to address income inequality, " said Michael Kink of the Strong Economy for All coalition of progressive groups.
Professors Even and Macpherson are able to infer from these differences in treatment that the three-stage minimum wage increase led to a reduction in teenage employment of 6.9% (about 98, 000 jobs) in the nineteen states affected by all three stages.
Still, a combination of tax cuts, an increase in the minimum wage, more money for education, a patient's bill of rights and, possibly, Medicare coverage of prescription drugs, would be a big achievement.
If employee costs are 10% of expenses, a fairly common situation at places like retailers that hire many minimum wage workers, that means it would take a 1% increase in selling prices to pass along the increase in the minimum wage to the customer.
FORBES: Though Income Can't Be Legislated, Obama's Minimum Wage Hike Is Not A Bad Idea
Unison also wanted a guarantee that the Living Wage would automatically increase across all Scotland's Councils.
Each told a story of how the last minimum wage increase touched their businesses.