It is believed to be the contents of animals stomachs, a waste product from meat plants.
Alcohol would be a waste product of these replicating yeasts, but it's not the only product.
Those who think that poetry is a waste product of neurosis will have a lovely time.
Meat is a dead matter, low in minerals, and produces uric acid in excess which is a waste product.
FORBES: Does genetically modified corn cause cancer? A flawed study fails to convince.
The ash is a waste product of the Kingston Fossil Power Plant which is operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority.
That said, if the process really can be made to work, CO2 would go from being a polluting waste product to a valuable raw material, and it might even become worthwhile building systems to capture it and pipelines to ship it around.
If the full economic benefits, externalities included, of energy independence are also taken into the equation, then we could well see CO2 go from a despised and destructive waste product to a valuable commodity.
This would have the advantage of ending the production of radioactive waste, which must be stored, and of stopping the flushing of technetium-99, a new waste by-product of reprocessing, into the Irish Sea, which would please the Irish government.
United Utilities is converting a by-product of waste water at its Blackburn plant into gas.
This would result in reduced fuel consumption per delivery and minimized greenhouse gasses as a byproduct of waste from overripe product going to the municipal dumps.
FORBES: Del Monte Responds to Daily Show Criticism of Individually Wrapped Banana
As much as we hate waiting, we'd say that's a stellar direction for the company to take -- nothing builds animosity toward a product more than letting it waste away in a purgatory of unattainability (assuming your name isn't Eldar Murtazin) for six-plus months.
At the cathode, the protons and the electrons react with oxygen from the air to make water which, to the joy of environmentalists, is the only waste product of such a cell.
Some emerging designers are eschewing new textiles altogether for upcycling, which means taking waste and reclaimed textile material and turning it into a product with higher value.
In my next blog I will write about life after the end of life of a product and how it can be a powerful solution to reducing waste and curtailing pollution.
FORBES: A responsible supply chain is a delicate balancing act
This means processing electronic waste properly is often more a service industry rather than profit-from-product industry.
The 2007 Bush-Pelosi energy bill required blending fuels that can allegedly be made from switchgrass or farm waste into the gasoline supply, though no companies produced the product at a commercial scale.
For example, a gifted product designer joins a company because he figures he'll get to concentrate his creative talents on product design and not waste them on sales or bookkeeping.