Many city folk have an emotional attachment to a way of life they have never experienced.
But what does sectarian warfare look like when it becomes entrenched as a way of life?
Tipping in Japan and many other Asian countries is simply not a way of life.
But for many, social networking is a way of life, a connection to others.
Maybe after almost 19 years, the war has just become a way of life.
Transparency is more than just a strategy for the TSA: apparently, it's a way of life.
"For many of our members, Couchsurfing represents a way of life, " says Couchsurfing's David Cumpston.
Concerns over national culture, identity and a way of life matter more than material worries.
Eriksen emphasizes the importance of mobilizing consumers to make energy efficiency a way of life.
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She has struggled to find a way of life that would work best for both of them.
But Menke says, once people are bitten by the triathlon bug, it becomes a way of life.
Air travelers, especially, accept security scans and pat downs at airport check-ins as a way of life.
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It's extremely stressful living there - not from a political arena, from just a way of life.
It's not going to make you a fortune but it's a living, it's a way of life'.
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In the poorer neighborhoods that happened to be mostly Shiite, blackouts and potholes were a way of life.
They embrace a way of life their parents, or even their grandparents, rejected as a mark of failure.
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Her time in office saw the demise of an industry and, some would say, a way of life.
Instead it has become a way of life where, as Aristotle said, virtue has become its own reward.
Incidents where an employee goes off on his own undetected are preventable aberrations, not a way of life.
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Then, as social opprobrium is displaced by acceptance followed by imitation, unproductive dependence becomes a way of life.
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The reason for the practice is simple: Christianity is a way of life.
The nexus was this: Ruthie's passage into death revealed a way of life that showed me the way home.
Instead of a way of life, welfare became an offer of temporary help, not an entitlement but a transition.
Insider selling of stock is a way of life, particularly in Silicon Valley.
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Near zero money market rates become a way of life for capital markets.
The Mediterranean diet emphasizes values of hospitality, neighbourliness, intercultural dialogue and creativity, and a way of life guided by respect for diversity.
Democracy is a culture, a way of life, as Mill and Kirkpatrick recognised, not simply the counting of votes.
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The Pine Ridge reservation exemplifies the extreme opposite: the tragic consequence of defending a way of life in impossible circumstances.
The message is not, of course, just about being kind to animals but about kindness as a way of life.