Has it found a way to escape the problem, or is it merely buying time?
We also have a brief scene between Sansa and Littlefinger, as he plots and plots some more and our damsel in distress hopes and wishes for a way to escape.
MPs on a cabinet committee and vague promises of a referendum, some day, on proportional representation, the reform which Lib Dems see fondly as a way to escape their fate as the also-rans of British politics.
There has to be a cheaper way to escape the clutches of the Baby Bells.
Is a whole-life insurance policy a better way to escape the estate tax than making gifts every year to your descendants?
Many people participate in online virtual communities as a way to relax and escape the drudgery of the real world.
While both countries have a long way to go to escape the ranks of the world's poor, they're booming, in recovery from the downtrodden 1990s.
Premium economy also offers individual travellers a way to pay slightly more to escape the stress and discomfort of standard coach.
Weber added that a fire on board was the most dangerous situation for a pilot because the only way to escape it was by jumping overboard.
Both are a way to slow down and truly escape.
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Working with local net-makers, Devon's beam-trawler fishermen voluntarily trialled their own designs, stitching the net panels together in a different way to allow the mesh to stay open, thereby letting smaller fish escape.
Mr. Richie managed to escape the conundrum by doing the old favorites in a new way.
WSJ: When Old Stars Try to Be New Again | Postmodern Times by Eric Felten
Seven men have been arrested over the escape of an inmate from a prison van when it was ambushed on its way to court.
There are some upbeat songs, like Hot Fudge - about how he wants to move to LA to escape the English winters, but "there's just a green card in the way".
It could be an ingenious way of helping Greece escape its cycle of decline, or of throwing more money at a country that needs to default and start again.
But a new study by two law professors offers an additional, surprising explanation: A change in the way the bankruptcy courts report statistics may have led analysts to mistakenly believe that bankruptcy was no longer a key escape hatch for entrepreneurs, conclude Elizabeth Warren of Harvard University and Robert Lawless of the University of Nevada.