Yes it is great to live in the countryside, if you have a good pension, private means or are in a well paid job.
BBC: Are the parties doing enough for rural areas?
"It is a hugely attractive job and a well paid job because the pressure and expectation these people are put under is so intense, " said Pickering.
BBC: No changes at the top - Pickering
"In this highly-competitive graduate jobs market, new graduates who've not had any work experience during their time at university have little or no chance of landing a well-paid job with a leading employer, irrespective of the university they've attended or the academic results they achieve, " said Martin Birchall, managing director of High Fliers Research.
BBC: Work experience 'key to job hunt' for graduates
Critics can sometimes be stilled by the threat of a lost contract, or the offer of a well-paid job.
ECONOMIST: The Caribbean: Small states, big money | The
Running a well-paid job to sustain a middle-class life incurred pressures that never eased: you needed a bigger house, a better car, private schools for your growing children and shop accounts for your wife so that she looked good when business clients had to be entertained at your home.
ECONOMIST: Sloan Wilson | The
This points towards fees combined with an expanded loans system, or a graduate tax, whereby students would take out a loan and repay it if and when they got a reasonably well-paid job.
ECONOMIST: The battle-lines over university fees have been drawn
The economy was in a downturn and the possibility of finding a job that paid well was slim.
CNN: Ohio man says 'bypassing' college a mistake
Warm fuzzies well up within us to read about the satisfaction another person felt when he or she paid for a job well done.
FORBES: Small Business Owners Gain Credibility from High Quality Client Feedback
Why did George Shaheen, the well-paid head of Andersen Consulting, quit to take a job running a new on-line business?
FORBES: Side Lines
She gave up the well paid "boring" job in her hometown of Berkeley, California, for a full-time job with The Idea Village.
CNN: New Orleans' new arrivals: Young, educated and infused with hope