And finally, a word of warning: the air will almost certainly be tinged a delicate shade of nicotine blue.
BBC: Prague��s historic coffeehouses
There is, however, a word of warning: the deal may require a referendum of the Swiss people to ratify it.
BBC: ?40bn held in Swiss bank accounts by UK taxpayers
Turn it off and leave it off, it wears out the disk drive a lot faster if you have it engaged, just a word of warning.
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But he added a word of warning.
FORBES: Atmel Whiffs Q3 Revs; Sees Sharp Q4 Rev Drop; Shares Off
She's cold with Howie (Aaron Eckhart -- also excellent), can't disguise her contempt for group therapy (she quits before they throw her out), and she mortifies her husband when she gives away their son's wardrobe without a word of warning.
CNN: Review: Kidman shines in painfully honest 'Rabbit Hole'
But, a word of warning.
FORBES: The Cost of Cutting Cable
Just a word of warning.
BBC: More ways to save money on train fares
However, Prof Wolff himself offered a cautionary word of warning.
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Staff enforce the small details of behaviour ceaselessly, with meaningful looks, a warning finger briefly held up, or a word of praise every few seconds.
ECONOMIST: Bagehot: Lessons from a great school | The