As long as we are a free people working under the rule of law with free enterprise, we will have a far cleaner environment and a far better quality of life a century from now than we enjoy today.
But philanthropy is not a substitute for a working state under the rule of law.
Conservation efforts have led to an increase in the manatee population, the commission said, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working on a rule that would reclassify the manatee from endangered to threatened.
But after 18 years of Conservative Party rule, a working-class takeover might be considered a revolution -- something Blair has made clear he cannot promise.
CNN: Blair faces great expectations -- from both sides - 1997 UK Elections
Industrial action could include working to rule, a ban on overtime or refusing to treat patients in places nurses consider unsuitable.
Unison said its ballot would also include a vote on working-to-rule.
BBC: Northamptonshire County Council workers in strike ballot
In Birmingham, the situation was made worse by industrial action, which led to binmen walking out on 20 December in a pay dispute and subsequently working to rule.
Karel Van Miert, a Belgian who is responsible for antitrust policy, has completed a white paper on reforms to the working of competition law, and hopes to rule on a weighty list of mergers before his term is up.
The surprise for most strangers may be to learn that Sudan best known for war, famine and Islamist rule actually had a working parliament, and was not already in a state of emergency.
Taking into account the significant progress achieved by our negotiators, we are working on a new agreement to issue, as a general rule without unduly formalized invitations and justifications, multiple-entry visas for eligible business travelers and tourists of 36 month validity at a unified and reciprocal fee, as well as the issuance of 12-month, multiple-entry visas for official representatives of our countries.
As a rule, he writes about completely ordinary people, middle- and working-class, from drab places.
The Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America ( AMJA) cautioned American Muslims in a 22-page Arabic-language paper in 2008 against working in law enforcement in countries which do not rule by Allah's dictates.
It says a one-rule-for-all on the number of sick days allowed each year unfairly penalises officers working in high-pressure inner city environments.