One day a week working from home can make a world of difference to a new (or not so new) mother or father.
For certain travelers, even seasoned business travelers, a touch of personalized human interaction could make a world of difference.
However, there is a world of difference between a drug tackling tumour cells in the laboratory, and getting the same drug throughout a real tumour - a mass of tissue and scar tissue.
Doing one thing just a little bit better could make the world of a difference.
Her parents can tell from the way she brags about being a member that it's made a world of difference.
Although DDT is a (modestly) toxic substance, there is a world of difference between applying large amounts of it in the environment--as farmers did before it was banned--and applying it carefully and sparingly to fight mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects.
Thanks to the OpEd Project, my voice will begin to be heard not only as an academician but also as a thought leader with a point of view that can make a difference in the world.
In fact, 1992 medalist Matt Biondi's best time in the 100-meters freestyle (long course) was almost three seconds faster than Spitz's 1972 mark of 51.2 seconds, a world of difference in the event.
In the case of, Tobii, 12 months makes a world of difference.
ENGADGET: Hands-on with Tobii REX, a peripheral that brings eye-tracking to any Windows 8 PC (video)
However, when it comes to how the defense industry fares during times of Democratic or Republican dominance, there is a world of difference.
FORBES: GOP Electoral Victory In 2012 Could Rescue Defense Industry
However, I cannot help but note that there is a world of difference between putting something on the front pages of the newspapers for a few weeks and achieving changes in laws and, above all, in the distribution of wealth.
Bolstering hurricane defenses through improved levees and wetlands could, however, make a world of difference.
In Cardiff, there's a world of difference in the services offered by UHW as compared with Llandough.
There is a world of difference between fair trade and free trade, between globalisation and global capitalism.
Between the two most widely available persimmon varieties, Fuyu (what you want) and Hachiya (what you don't), there is a world of difference.
WSJ: Marc Vetri's Persimmon and Arugula Salad | Slow Food Fast
"I've seen this before from other university research groups and there is a world of difference between nice results in the lab and commercially viable products, " Leggett said.
Sure, Bill Gates just happened to mention that we'd see a new version of the OS "Sometime in the next year or so, " but it's looking like that "or so" makes a world of difference.
ENGADGET: Windows 7 still slated for 2010 says Microsoft, Bill Gates just crazy-talking
The problem is that there is a world of difference between what is deemed to be an appropriate reward at the top of big companies - and not just banks - and what many of you would see as appropriate.
As a kid growing up in Queens, I had dreams of making a difference in the world.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Nominates Jack Lew for Secretary of the Treasury | The White House
By forming a collaborative partnership with an HBS faculty member, your firm could gain the competitive advantage of finding answers first and, ultimately, make a difference for the world of business.
FORBES: How a Harvard Business School Field Study Could Help Your Company
We, who are educators and leaders in schools of entertainment and performing arts education around the world, are sitting in a central position to harness our resources to nurture and develop the kinds of artists and scholars who can make a difference in the world through the power of their stories.
And in a world of 24-hour virtual trading, it makes little difference whether a commodities deal is brokered in Saadiyat or Chicago.
As this arrangement implies, there are big similarities between the precedent-based systems of law that prevail in the Anglophone world, and a wide difference between them and the civil-law tradition of continental Europe.
Of course, the difference between these experiments and a real-world instance of the attacks is a motive capable of inspiring a team of equally expert hackers to achieve the same feats of tech exploitation.
These steps taken separately might make a slight difference in your retirement, but a series of incremental changes can make all the difference in the world.
FORBES: 7 Retirement Preparedness Tips for Gen X - the Disappointed Generation
The one thing I will always appreciate the most about agricultural education is the value it places on the world and making a positive difference in the lives of others.