The bill would have criminalized "promotion of homosexuality, " the organization said in a written statement.
In a written statement, the limousine company said it was "deeply saddened" by the deaths.
Police described the residence as "extremely hot, " Coroner Stephen Nonn said in a written statement.
The increase was announced in a written statement by the universities minister David Willetts.
Farley, the company's senior vice president and general counsel, said in a written statement.
Later in the evening, Bush released a written statement giving his reasons for the waiver.
"The Iranian government must understand that the world is watching, " Obama said in a written statement.
CNN: Chaos prevails as protesters, police clash in Iranian capital
Awad hid behind a written statement on which the Senators could not cross-examine him.
"Congressional recognition of these brave soldiers is long overdue, " Bachus said in a written statement.
CNN: After 63 years, vet learns of brother's death in Nazi slave camp
"Myers Ranch is private property, Barker Ranch is national park property, " Lutze said in a written statement.
In a written statement, Mr. Woloz called the TLC's actions "retaliatory" and hinted at possible legal action.
People found to be involved could be prosecuted under military law, he said in a written statement.
The inquiry uncovered serious errors of judgment and faulty communications, Annan said in a written statement Friday.
In a written statement he said he was near the gate with a full view of it.
"We cannot stop with the publication of this report alone, " the Democrat said in a written statement.
CNN: 'Multiple' failures led to Iraq electrocution, Pentagon says
"This does not mean I am going to become a Republican, " Miller said in a written statement.
Roh denied the allegations in a written statement submitted to the prosecution on Saturday, according to Yonhap.
"This is in many ways an old story, " CIA Director Leon Panetta said in a written statement.
CNN: Top prosecutor orders probe into interrogations; Obama shifts onus
One suspect is in custody, Harris County Sheriff's Office spokesman Thomas Gilliland said in a written statement.
Her comments prompted a written statement from Freeh which did little to dampen speculation on the matter.
CNN: AllPolitics - Reno, Freeh Discuss Independent Counsel For Fund-Raising
In a written statement they say McDonald's are located in commercialized areas that are accessible to all consumers.
"This is a matter of extreme seriousness, " State Department deputy spokesman Philip Reeker said in a written statement.
"We're proud of the campaign we ran in Nevada, " Obama said in a written statement after the caucuses.
"KBR has worked diligently to address electrical issues when asked, " the company told CNN in a written statement.
CNN: Shoddy wiring 'everywhere' on Iraq bases, Army inspector says
In a written statement, attorney Paul Kemp said his firm had represented Ivins for more than a year.
CNN: Anthrax suspect, scientist, kills self as FBI closes in
"I'm honored that director Tenet has asked me to tackle this challenging assignment, " Duelfer said in a written statement.
Authorities are conducting a forensic identification on the remains, a written statement said.
CNN: Police believe body is that of 18-month-old Kansas girl
In a written statement, Obama said, "This is not my bill, " adding that he wished the agreement was stronger.
In a written statement, Obama said he'd prefer stronger language than the compromise, but he said it represented progress.
"I am innocent of these charges and intend to prove that, " the veteran lawmaker said in a written statement.