The United States has long had a zero-tolerance policy regarding Government employees and contractor personnel engaging in any form of this criminal behavior.
The university put him on a zero-tolerance policy in 2000 after an investigation into a former player's allegations that the coach had choked him during a practice.
Strengthened welfare controls announced by Mr Heath included increased inspections of animals being exported, and a zero-tolerance policy to be taken by animal inspectors if they find unnecessary suffering.
"Singapore and FAS have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to match-fixing and football corruption which includes the imposition of permanent suspension from all football activities on any player or official convicted in a court of law for football corruption offences, " the FAS said in a statement.
Vice-chairman Chris McGurk told the Wall Street Journal the studio had a "zero-tolerance policy towards anyone who tries to trade in on the James Bond franchise without authorisation".
Wal-Mart, whose products were found at the scene of the Tazreen fire even though it had barred contractors from using the factory, overhauled its global sourcing standards this year, adopting a "zero-tolerance policy" for violations.