"It has to be pretty bad before you give the order to abandon ship, " he said.
If Mr Lukashenka's entourage feel that Moscow has ditched their boss, they may abandon ship.
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Forced to abandon ship, Shackleton and his crew were set adrift on the floes.
As alluded to earlier, there could be even more upside in store for DDS, should the bears abandon ship.
Should the bearish holdouts abandon ship, NFLX could ride the short-squeeze tailwinds.
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Svendsen testified that as the storm worsened on October 29, he advised Walbridge to abandon ship more than once over a short period.
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Bruce Ismay, head of the company that operated the Titanic, to remain on deck, trying to help the rescue effort, then suddenly decide to abandon ship.
Once they do, it takes technical skill to get upright again, so inexperienced boaters without guides close by might have to abandon ship and swim back to shore.
"There are various means of delivering passenger safety instructions and abandon ship instructions, but we believe ... the existing international requirement that we provide this instruction within 24 hours can be bettered by doing it immediately upon (passenger) boarding, " said Michael Crye, executive vice president of Cruise Lines International Association.
Meanwhile Defence Minister Giampaolo Di Paola said he would not step down over the crisis because he did not want to "abandon a ship in difficulty".