• About 100, 000 letters were mailed to shareholders, warning them that their shares were in jeopardy of being classified as abandoned, and asking them to call specified phone numbers, visit company websites or mail back the letters to prevent their stocks from being turned over to the state.

    WSJ: State Governments Eye 'Inactive' Broker Accounts

  • Those, such as Mr Woodhead, who call for Plowden-era orthodoxies to be abandoned, are not short of critics.

    ECONOMIST: Plowden��s progress

  • Two-thirds of them are said to be from the Gamaat Islamiya, suggesting that the state has abandoned the relative leniency showed in response to the group's ceasefire call.

    ECONOMIST: Arab dissent

  • It's a 61-acre abandoned rail yard just west of the cluster of kitschy casinos and low-rent office buildings that natives call "downtown, " usually with a regretful sigh.

    FORBES: Meanwhile, Donwton...

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