The Triumph, sailing since 1999, will eventually end up being sold to the European market, renamed and abandoned as well.
That well, at 33, 000 feet, set a record as the deepest ever in the gulf, but the high temperatures and pressures were too much to handle so Exxon called off the search and abandoned the well.
Recently, Nokia abandoned Symbian as well.
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Aryeh Zelnik hesitated a moment or two, turned his gaze to the open window, through which he could see one of the abandoned farm sheds, as well as a dusty cypress up which orange bougainvillea had climbed with fiery fingers.
British soccer once had forced amateurism as well, but abandoned it in 1895.
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Davy was drilled a number of years ago to only 20, 000 feet and abandoned as a non-producing well.
Another well had to be abandoned when the drillers hit red-hot molten rock.
Despite having two running backs who ran for a combined 1600 yards this season and a quarterback who also runs well, Notre Dame abandoned the run early on.
At this moment, Davy Jones has been cased to the bottom of the well, sealed with cement and temporarily abandoned so the rig could be moved 2.5 miles to the southwest to drill the second Davy Jones delineation well.
Two years ago, or so, Chevron lost control of an earlier Hurricane Deep well and it had to be abandoned.
The carrot works repeatedly well, while the stick has mostly been abandoned as too unreliable.
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Also in the quarter, the Hurricane Deep well was lost when its operator Chevron lost control of the well, and it had to be plugged and abandoned with attendant write-downs.
Over the years, the well-tended front gardens of Tel Ilan had been abandoned to oblivion.
Davy Jones 1 has been temporarily abandoned while they await the arrival of production equipment to bring the well onstream.
Since then, most European nations as well as Japan and Canada have adopted this so-called EMV international credit card standard and abandoned magnetic stripe credit cards for chip-and-pin cards in the process.
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But companies that don't aggressively defend trademarks, even against seemingly innocuous intrusions, risk having courts decide that they abandoned the trademarks later when more substantive disputes crop up, Mr. Stephens says, echoing an argument well hewn by trademark lawyers.
This tasty narrative premise is quickly abandoned for two and a half hours of disconnected drivel when the enemy Decepticons invade Chicago, and the Autobots, well-intentioned metal dunderheads who reside on Earth to protect humankind, save the day with help from Sam (LaBeouf).