He had been warned his return to Belgium would trigger a cabinet crisis unless he decided to abdicate.
Earlier on Tuesday, a government official said Sheikh Saad had unconditionally agreed to abdicate in the interests of Kuwait.
In recent decades it has become the tradition for the monarch to abdicate.
There should be "clear consequences" for youngsters who commit crimes, and their parents should not be allowed to "abdicate" responsibility.
The country will never abdicate its sovereignty to profligate nations and assume the average borrowing costs of southern Europe on their debt.
Australian actress Abbie Cornish will play a modern-day New Yorker, who becomes obsessed with King Edward's decision to abdicate for his lover.
In 1567, Mary Queen of Scots was forced to abdicate and James VI became King of Scotland at the age of one.
In 1399, King Richard II became the first English monarch to abdicate.
Auditors send professionalism packing and abdicate their public duty to shareholders when legislation threatens the lucrative business of being a public accounting firm.
But neither do we think you can abdicate responsibility for it.
This is no time for Congress to abdicate its responsibilities.
Should the Bush Administration become party to this enterprise -- even on a unilateral, ostensibly trade-related basis -- it would abdicate its leadership role and betray the public trust.
Pope Benedict, 85, became the first Pope in 600 years to abdicate last month when he said old age and health meant he could no longer continue in the job.
But lately and for the first time, discontent with the monarchy has spread beyond right-wing parties, and politicians have openly called for him to abdicate in favor of his son, Prince Felipe.
As well as calling for a renewal of faith, he used his last general audience to discuss his experience as pontiff and his almost unprecedented decision to abdicate the role starting Thursday.
The Queen Mother was a person who symbolised service... she sustained this country and the royal family when King Edward VIII was forced to abdicate over his relationship with twice-married Wallis Simpson.
The Center for Security Policy has long documented Germany's self-serving and dangerous policies toward the former Soviet Union and repeatedly urged the U.S. government not to abdicate leadership on East-West relations to Bonn.
"There was a lot of pain in reducing head count 50%, but we were quick to see the shift coming and couldn't abdicate our leadership, " says Duncan Niederauer, a Goldman managing director in equities.
In Spain, the declining health of the 75-year-old monarch and recent financial scandals that have tainted the monarchy have intensified calls for him to abdicate in favor of Crown Prince Felipe, his 45-year-old son.
Saunders said he believed that in contrast to Beatrix, Britain's Queen Elizabeth would never abdicate, because of the 1, 000 years of history behind her, and the trauma of her uncle, King Edward VIII's abdication.
In summary, they argue that AB32 will raise business taxes, drive jobs out of California, cost the average family the equivalent of a new car, lower tax revenues and abdicate personal decisions to government.
FORBES: California dreaming: Why AB32 makes more sense as federal law
Benedict - now Pope emeritus Benedict - became the first pontiff in 600 years to abdicate last month when he said his age, 85, and health meant he could no longer continue in the job.
Born the prince of Greece and Denmark on the Greek island of Corfu in 1921, Philip left Greece with his family when he was 18 months old after King Constantine was forced to abdicate the throne following a revolution.
It has already resolved, in effect, to abdicate its role as opposition during the three-month implementation period of the redeployment agreement, and will supply Mr Netanyahu with the necessary votes in the Knesset to make up for any defections from his ranks.
It should be recalled that the Saudis so feared the rise of a Muslim Brotherhood-ruled Egypt that in February 2011, when US President Barack Obama was publicly ordering then-president Hosni Mubarak to abdicate power immediately, Saudi leaders were beseeching him to defy Obama.
The sequester was designed to be onerous and undesirable, and it remains our view that that is not the way to go, because Congress needs to do this in a responsible way -- not abdicate its responsibility, not refuse to -- and alternatively, not refuse to accept the consequences of its inability to compromise, but refocus their efforts on finding a solution here.