Dr Liam Fox, Shadow Health Secretary, said the whole idea of a cash transaction is abhorrent.
Those are abhorrent words to those who oppose any inkling of activism in their jurists.
She said the allegations were "abhorrent and particularly upsetting as Sara Payne is a dear friend".
The abhorrent nature of chemical weapons has made their limitation a priority for many years.
"This is an abhorrent deed, one that has left us all dismayed and shocked, " he said.
"All hate crime is abhorrent and we will not tolerate it, " the force said.
Park's bold tactic, among other things, is getting people to think about America's relationship with abhorrent governments.
Thompson was referring rather to the lack of a front-runner, a situation abhorrent to Republicans' political nature.
Any individuals or institutions supporting its abhorrent behavior will be targeted and cut off from the international financial system.
It is a terrible tragedy that children were unprotected from such abhorrent crimes.
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But the idea was abhorrent to all denominations until the 19th century, when the new American religion of Mormonism adopted it.
While strongly condemning such abhorrent practices it reiterates the call that perpetrators of such crimes be punished and such practices immediately stopped.
That prospect, abhorrent to asado-loving Argentines, would matter less if other parts of the economy were as productive as agriculture but few are.
ECONOMIST: Don��t get mad, get organised, battered farmers conclude
He said any form of child abuse was "abhorrent" and he had "absolutely no sympathy" for the adults who committed crimes at the home.
Every citizen is entitled to her day in court to have her claims considered under the rule of law and free from these abhorrent acts.
Mr Agius described the actions of those who had fixed rates as "abhorrent", but said at no point were these actions revealed to the board.
States with less of this abhorrent practice have also shown improvement.
"It is unforgivable for anybody who is an elected member, who is a member of Cornwall council to say such an abhorrent thing, " said Mr Paget.
U.S. President Obama called the law "abhorrent" and said his administration has made it clear to the Karzai government that it objects to the law.
CNN: Afghanistan 'rape' law puts women's rights front and center
In those countries, good liberals find extremist and racist views abhorrent, but also worry about censorship and repression of those who speak up from the margins.
He said domestic abuse was "abhorrent and a stain on Scotland", saying there were over 51, 900 incidents of domestic abuse recorded by police in 2009 - 10.
Unless they do, the Democrats will be hit by spending cuts they don't want and the Republicans saddled with tax rises plus defence cuts that are abhorrent to them.
Earlier Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill led the debate on what he called "the most abhorrent and evil practices of which mankind is capable of" - the trafficking of human beings.
"This is an appalling and abhorrent kind of behaviour which is totally unacceptable regardless of race or religion, " said Sheikh Mogra, the MCB's Assistant Secretary General, on BBC Radio 4's Sunday programme.
The Modesto Bee, in an editorial, blasted Condit for his "duplicity" and "abhorrent" behavior, saying it hindered the police investigation into Levy's disappearance, which authorities are treating as a missing person case.
Ch Supt Gavin Robertson, who heads the Tayside Police Crime and Intelligence Division, said: ''We are all determined to shine a light on the malevolent and wholly abhorrent crime of human trafficking.
"The members of the FIFA Disciplinary Committee were unanimous in condemning an abhorrent episode of racism, anti-Semitism, and of political provocative and aggressive nature perpetrated by supporters of the Hungarian national team, " FIFA said.
She said ministers were working with the police and Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to make sure they had proper guidance and information to deal with cases of the practice, which she described as "abhorrent".
He described the murder as "barbaric and abhorrent".
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Murder 'may be linked to feud'
"For a British company to be selling a piece of technology that is useless when it's meant to be saving lives is abhorrent, " Lou McGrath, chief executive of the charity, Mines Advisory Group, told Newsnight.