Mr Smith says his firm is more than happy to abide by the rules.
What do you do if you are in a fix, having failed to abide by the rules?
ECONOMIST: A farcical failure to register candidates in time
Free trade and free markets are not free if one side frequently fails to abide by the rules.
The parade's backers say gay people are welcome to march as long as they abide by the rules.
If you don't abide by the rules--say, you miss a deadline for deciding to defer pay or improperly take money out early--watch out!
It provides details of the payments Armstrong and his team received while they promised to abide by the rules of cycling's governing bodies.
CNN: Feds join whistle-blower lawsuit against Lance Armstrong
As he arrived at Wednesday's meeting, the prime minister said competitive tax rates were vital for securing investment but firms must abide by the rules.
BBC: David Cameron seeking action on tax avoidance at EU summit
Even those in the know don't necessarily abide by the rules.
"To have this sort of technicality of all technicalities let a player off ... it's just a sad day for all the clean players and those that abide by the rules within professional baseball, " Tygart said.
WSJ: MLB: Ryan Braun's 50-Game Suspension Overturned - Milwaukee Brewers
If you are a responsible gun shop owner and you abide by the system that ensures that background checks are conducted, you want everyone else to have to abide by the same rules.
Their exasperation was summed up in the message by President Sarkozy: "abide by the eurozone rules or leave".
Outgoing CIA director Michael Hayden has already instructed his staff to abide by the new rules.
The Conservatives counter by saying that the new schools would have to abide by the old admissions rules, with no interviewing of applicants and no preference for able students.
Under the new regulations, civilian lawyers are required to sign an agreement to abide by the new tribunal rules.
He said at the trial the company's failure to abide by safety rules was "one of the worst examples of sustained industrial negligence in a high risk industry I have ever seen".
By entering the Sweepstakes, entrants agree to abide by all terms of these Official Rules and Regulations (the "Rules").
But make sure you abide by all the Internal Revenue Service rules.
The government said that any companies that elect to participate will also have to abide by the Treasury Department's rules for corporate governance and executive compensation.
The reporting requirement also will put pressure on companies to abide by "antidiscrimination" rules designed to keep the coverage of highly paid executives in line with that of lower-paid workers, Ms. Davis says.
But they must abide by Federal Reserve Board rules barring the use of the credit lines for purchasing or carrying margin stock.
Meanwhile, international investors are "distressed by the growing indications that India is not willing to abide by international rules and norms in relation to dispute resolution, " Columbia's Mr. Doering said.
WSJ: Deutsche Telekom, U.S. Firms Scrap With India Over Scuttled Satellite Deal
Many resources are subject to collective action problems: if each actor pursues what is in his or her short-term interest, things will go much less well than if all agree to abide by rules that are in the common interest.
FORBES: Royal Society's Terrible Report on Population and Consumption
As I said, practically all retailers now abide by these rules, and even under the new laws, it would be legal for a parent to buy the game for their children, which is usually what happens now.
Minnesota says that it has cut its mercury emissions by more than half since the state had mandated that utilities operating within its borders abide by its rules.
The great symbolic power of the Olympics is that we all agree on the same rules and then abide by them.
We abide by all regulations mandated by the CFTC and the rules of NFA to hold customer funds in segregated accounts that are always separate from operational funds.
FORBES: This Investor Dodged The MF Global Bomb But Is Getting Burned By Peregrine
"The EU is Britain's biggest trading partner, and it makes sense to remain within the bloc and to be able to make the rules rather than simply abide by them, " she said.
They therefore have plenty of opportunity to influence the rules by which they must abide.
Companies who volunteered to abide by different versions of rules later invalidated, in the interest of getting deals done, will still have to follow them.
FORBES: The FCC Scores a Hat Trick of Errors on Internet Regulation