• Of course, those promoting the network's penetration of the United States -- among them Mr. Gore, who will get a board seat on the new network to be formally known as Al Jazeera America -- tend to pooh-pooh concerns about the Arabic-language mother ship's service to the jihadi cause.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Al Gore Profits from the Stealth Jihad

  • And I think when you talked about -- when you talked the British ship, I believe you said to evacuate its people -- well, we have evacuated Americans.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • U.S. Navy barges have been carrying fresh water to Fukushima Daiichi, and Tokyo's foreign ministry has asked Russia about using a Japanese-built ship outfitted as a floating decontamination plant.


  • It's a ship that brings containers from Canada to Liverpool - it's quite a sizeable ship - it's about 210m long and it's about to swing to go through a passage way in order to gain access to the lock.

    BBC: Ӣ���˵Ĺ���

  • The sinking of the Ryou-Un Maru brought about the end of a journey for the rust-stained ship that drifted across the Pacific Ocean as part of a giant debris field generated by a tsunami that struck Japan following a 9.0 earthquake on March 11, 2011.

    CNN: U.S Coast Guard sinks Japanese fishing trawler near Alaska

  • Other contenders included Panasonic's new top-of-the-line ZT plasmas, Samsung's 85-inch UHDTV and LG's soon-to-ship 55-inch OLED, but when we're thinking about what the best thing we saw this year was, there's no question that this is it.

    ENGADGET: CES 2013: Best in show HD

  • About 5 million Palm OS-based devices will ship in the same year, up from an estimated 2.9 million in 1999, House said.

    CNN: 3Com eyes WAP for use in Palm devices

  • But despite its streamline design, the shark-shaped ship travels at an average speed of just 7.5 knots -- about that of a large ocean liner.


  • As the APEC leaders' summit began on Monday, it test-fired an anti-ship missile with a range of about 60 miles (100km).

    ECONOMIST: It��s security, stupid

  • The riots have also raised doubts about another ambitious revenue-earner, the scheme to ship some of the country's liquefied natural gas to the United States and Mexico.

    ECONOMIST: Bolivia: What will the IMF say now? | The

  • There were roughly 4, 200 people on the ship when it ran aground -- about 3, 200 passengers and 1, 000 crew members, the vast majority of whom made it off the ship safely.


  • The ship, 1, 000 feet long -- about the length of three football fields -- sailed from Port Canaveral on Saturday.


  • After a few minutes, a gaggle of about 20 English tourists arrive - khaki-shorted and fresh off the cruise ship from Barbados.

    BBC: Pietersen is still the main man

  • The bar is about a 15-minute drive from Port Rashid, where MacColl's ship, the HMS Westminster, had docked the previous day, the family said.

    CNN: British sailor missing in Dubai

  • As part of the restoration visitors are able to walk under the three-masted ship as well as go on board and learn about its history in the museum.

    BBC: Cutty Sark

  • The Canadians are so concerned about foot-and-mouth that they recently turned back a British military ship over fears that mud on the wheels of vehicles on board could be harbouring the disease.

    BBC: Three await foot-and-mouth results

  • They also talked about developing a free-trade zone that Chinese manufacturers could use to assemble and ship their products at lower cost.

    WSJ: Xi's Costa Rican Visit Helps China Bind Ties

  • The ship, which is 1, 000 feet long -- about the length of three football fields -- sailed from Port Canaveral on Saturday.


  • Their 67-foot Seafarer became disabled Wednesday and was being towed by another ship about 15 miles east of Assateague Island when the two vessels became separated in heavy seas.

    NPR: Late-Winter Storm Sweeps Into New England

  • Currently the ship is over 200 miles south-west of the Seychelles and about 20 miles from Alphonse Island, are ongoing checks on the state of the engine room to be able to restart the equipment necessary to reactivate the functionality of ship.

    FORBES: Fire Breaks Out on Costa Cruise Ship, Vessel Adrift in Indian Ocean

  • Readers learn about the sound of a rippling ship's sail, the look of a stand-alone wooden confessional, the feel of an aristocrat's cloth-of-silver gown.

    WSJ: Nancy Bilyeau: What Novelists Can Learn From Screenwriting | Word Craft

  • The whole lot is slated to ship out right about now, and if you're craving more in-depth details on any one in particular, the read links below should do the trick.

    ENGADGET: Optoma reveals superabundance of DLP projectors HD

  • When my son and I went to our local home goods chain store, we learned about a new back-to-school purchasing option which allows for people to scan, ship and pay in one seamless process.

    FORBES: Back-To-School Lesson: How Showrooming Could Save Brick-And-Mortar Retailers

  • There's a report this morning that Moscow has sent a ship that has combat forces to guard their deepwater port -- are we concerned about that?

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Four-thousand people on a stranded ship can't flush, Hilton jokingly messaged Stanfield, venting about the stench on board.

    CNN: Supplies reach befouled cruise ship in Gulf of Mexico

  • Either they are serious about affording the public and our country with the means to counter enemy attacks -- whether undertaken with fuel trucks, ship-borne containers, commercial airliners, crop-dusters or missiles -- or they are not.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Senate Democrats' True Colors on Defense

  • He also thinks we should be on the lookout for color iPod minis and higher-capacity flash-based iPods by about October of this year and that the new rumoured video iPods may also not ship til then.

    ENGADGET: Color iPod minis by October?

  • Mrs Thatcher wrote that one Peruvian ship had been sent away from France empty, but another ship was on its way to France to take delivery of weapons - Peru was protesting to France about a breach of contract.

    BBC: Falklands telegrams reveal UK response to invasion

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