Everett Koop wrote a brochure about AIDS that was sent to all 107 million American households in 1988.
CNN: HIV in the '80s: 'People didn't want to kiss you on the cheek'
Over the last couple of days, comments that he made 15 years ago about AIDS have come to national attention.
His venture began in a Jamaican restaurant in 1990 when he jotted on a napkin plans for informing Africans about aids.
In the days surrounding the anniversary, NPR is broadcasting a number of stories about AIDS and its effect around the world.
Mr. DYBUL: The folks we deal with in countries and are privileged to work with know more about AIDS than most of us.
Still, the fact that a cure can happen is a big change in how doctors think about AIDS. The disease, once a death sentence, now something that can be controlled, might someday be something that can be cured in at least some patients.
His venture began in a Jamaican restaurant in 1990 when he jotted down on a napkin plans for informing Africans about AIDS. The Ethiopian-born lawyer and son of a diplomat then set out for a conference in Torremolinos, Spain, where he convinced 127 countries to grant him 25 MHz of the L-band, a slice of the 1000 MHz spectrum.
He's been posing questions about where AIDS came from, such as why did this all happen in the late 20th century?
In cities like Kathmandu in Nepal, Sao Paulo, Brazil and Dakar, the capital city of Senegal, the channel's PSAs and documentaries about HIV got more people talking about the AIDS virus to the extent that a study by Family Health International showed changes in local behavior.
Learning materials about HIV and AIDS give girls and women the knowledge and skills to cope with the pandemic.
People loved it and it taught a lot of people about HIV and AIDS, especially the youth and of course the women in the rural areas.
Hilary said when she read about the NIH AIDS study in 2006, she was delighted to learn there could be additional public health benefits to circumcision.
Any campaign would be likely to draw on the experience of the 1980s, when the government highlighted the need to practice safe sex as concern about HIV and Aids grew.
McMillian secured the first federal contract to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS among African-Americans for the fraternity and helped it form partnerships with organizations such as the U.S. Marine Corps and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in discussing the disease.
"If you care about stopping the spread of AIDS, you ought to care about empowering women to make safe choices for themselves and their children, " he said.
CNN: Clinton calls for international family planning funding without restrictions
Before I got pregnant, I had spent the last ten years producing and promoting two films about long-term AIDS survivors, as well as helping to produce other documentaries.
Cole, who is married to Maria Cuomo-Cole, the sister of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and TV journalist Chris Cuomo, speaks with pride about the progress in AIDS research without ever taking credit.
In addition to speaking engagements, she is writing a memoir about her life with AIDS and trying to produce a television special using hip-hop music and celebrities to raise awareness in the younger generation.
Coming up, we'll talk with the U.S. Global AIDS coordinator about efforts by the faith community to help battle the epidemic around the world, and a little later we'll hear from you, your calls and emails.
The local council said it had recorded a growing number of complaints about some sales tactics for mobility aids, stair lifts and bath aids.
In the Lords (from 2.30pm) it's quite a heavy legislating day - but first, there's an eclectic selection of questions to ministers, with peers asking about cultural diversity in the media and creative industries, progress in discontinuing funding for the Republic of Ireland's aids to navigation, discussions with energy providers about recent price increases and the shortage of midwives.
It is obvious that whatever lessons we have to and may draw from the West about the grave issue of HIV-Aids, a simple superimposition of Western experience on African reality would be absurd and illogical.
He called for greater use of visual aids to help patients remember facts about their condition.
Late last year, the National AIDS Authority estimated that there were about 100 new HIV infections each day and 20 deaths.
We educate the public about the behaviors that lead to HIV and AIDS and ways to prevent the spread of these diseases.
FORBES: Global Terrorism And The World Conference Of Women In Washington, D.C.
The PHLS will present information about HIV in the UK to the International Aids Conference starting in Durban, South Africa, starting on Sunday.
Two online campaigns were organized in social media networks by the project participants to mark the World Contraception Day and the World AIDS Day and to promote information about contraception, reproductive rights and solidarity with people living with HIV.
At this point, we think the stock has effectively priced in a lot of bad news, and any further positive developments about Tenofovir or another drug outside of the AIDS treatments could easily send this stock higher to a more normal valuation.
So it was noteworthy when the Home Affairs Ministry announced on May 27 that 12 foreign spouses of Singaporeans, who have been or were about to be repatriated because they have the AIDS virus, would be allowed to return or stay in the country.
AIDS. Myanmar has a population of about 44m, so these figures would not seem to be too alarming.