Majewksi is drawn to bringing art to life: he wrote the screenplay for 1996 film " Basquiat, " about the life of New York artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, and directed 2004 film " The Garden of Earthly Delights, " which follows an art historian entering into Hieronymus Bosch's famous triptych.
He says that where his generation of rappers was forced to limit the way it talked about the realities of daily life, the new generation is bolder with its lyrics.
On the eve of his 80th birthday, Golson spoke with Scott Simon about the new release and his life in music.
He also talked about PCCW's response to STAR's announcement, about the future of his business and about his new life in Hong Kong.
Currently on a national promotional tour, the author sat down with CNN to talk about his new book, the TV series and life in Wyoming.
The idea of Joey and the Queen watching the movie together gave the old question about the relation between life and art new meaning.
Worse, lawsuits have raised disturbing questions about New Life, and the way it pays planners a commission on client donations may violate federal securities laws.
This was just about the time punk was breaking and discovering the new music out there changed my life.
The new, softer approach to dictators is buttressed by grand theories about life in the post-Cold War world.
The new American Dream is about having an interesting life rather than a happy life.
The files were released through a Freedom of Information Act request, but contained no new personal details about the star's life.
Whether it's confronting a fear, traveling to an exotic location or trying a totally new food, life is about the surprises that come along the way.
WSJ: Chef Carla Hall on Learning to Love Food in Italy | Traveler's Tale
Ira Flatow will be here to talk about a new study about life expectancy in the U.S. And the Mars rovers are still roving nearly three years into what was supposed to be a three-month mission.
But if there is controversy about what the Bible says, there is next to nothing in the New Testament about the period between Jesus's childhood and the last three years of his life.
Forbes Lifestyle sat down with the budding entrepreneur to talk about life in a new arena. spoke with Rosedale about his new role at Linden Lab, the viability of Second Life for business and whether it actually makes sense to hold a company meeting around a virtual conference table.
The new learning centre will include an exhibition about Shirley's life.
Almost every news report and piece of analysis I have read since late yesterday afternoon about the new Pope has made mention of his propensity for a simple life and his wealth of humility.
FORBES: Pope Francis Used To Cook His Own Food; How Will He Eat In The Vatican?
Abell says these fragments may also provide planetary scientists with new windows onto details about how the solar system formed and how life evolved here on Earth.
Quite the opposite: person after person in their fifties and sixties talked of being in the prime of life, about their enthusiasm for hard work, new job skills, new opportunities.
Nobody except the Paulsens had suspected him of harboring such reserves of discontent, but Walter was no less enthusiastic about nature than he was about culture, and the only outward change in his life was his new scarcity at home on weekends.
Kinky Boots, about a real-life shoe factory that found a new outlet in the fetish footwear market, had its highest gross sales since performances began in March.
Surface surveys and rescue excavations, the result of a building boom in the Peloponnese, provide lots of new information about other areas of Bronze Age life, from farming to foreign trade.
But this time, he literally started and ended his campaign, as we just heard, in New Orleans, and spoke about, repeatedly, the cause of his life speaking out for the poor Described himself as, repeatedly, as the son of a South Carolina mill worker.
Yesterday, I attended a panel discussion of new data released by the Center for Work-Life Policy about off-rampers and on-rampers.
Perhaps the most interesting, and least heralded, thing about this new software is how much better it will mesh with the rest of your life.
But, by following the spirit of their example, we can set a goal for the new year that is about to begin -- for those blank pages of life that await.
"Kinky Boots" is based on the 2005 British movie about a real-life shoe factory that struggles until it finds new life in fetish footwear.
Policy research officer Rosemary Dodds said: "It is worrying that so many misconceptions about breastfeeding exist, as this means that many new babies are not getting the healthiest start in life".
Not only is it about to embark on a new life as a home to a distillery, I also gather the Executive is looking for a private partner to run a conference centre at the jail.