It says it is simply determined to complete a "strategic review" of the condition of the military it inherited and the kinds of changes it requires before making judgments about the size and purposes for which any defense supplemental might be sought.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Review, But Renew, America��s Defenses
The debate about the exact size of the patch is irrelevant (it is at the mercy of ocean currents and is constantly changing) and it risks diverting attention away from the far more serious implications of the pollution.
FORBES: Size Distracts From Real Danger Of The 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch'
The meteor was one yard in diameter, about the size of an exercise ball, when it entered the atmosphere over eastern Pennsylvania, said Cooke.
Because this is about .2 percent of the housing stock, this is certainly possible, which means the size of the stock is again about where it should be.
It's not just about the size and the design of the stadium, it's what it stands for and what's going to be happening there that adds to the whole thing.
BBC: London 2012: 'Brilliant! I'm going to the Paralympics!'
The bank is concerned about the size of the deficit as well as the way India funds it, Mr. Subbarao said.
The craft is about the size of a car , though it looks like an oversized gold-coloured dustbin with four solar panels extended at one end.
About the size of a golf ball, it is what's known as a habitat specialist, found only in caves of a certain kind of volcanic rock along streams in southeastern Puerto Rico.
Leandro Erlich's "Stuck Elevator" (2011) is more complex: A freestanding box, about the size of an elevator shaft, it reveals, through an open door, the elevator's lifting mechanism and, through a gap at the bottom, the interior of the cabin, with a newspaper on the floor.
WSJ: Too Clever by Half | More Real? | Minneapolis Institute of Arts | By Peter Plagens
It's about the size of a computer mouse and if I touch my chest, I can feel it.
The Home Affairs Committee also said that for years the UK Border Agency had repeatedly supplied it with incorrect information about the size of the backlog of asylum cases.
Mr. Curry defended the agency's response once it learned about the size and potential complexity of J.
The sheer size of the fine had an element of grandstanding about it.
The large size of the key (sorry to go on about it), the ergonomic turning head and chunky ring, are all designed to be easier for people with physical impairments to get it out of a bag and in to the lock.
There's lot of extra space in the building now, but if Hamm really does manage to triple the size of Continental in five years, it would be about the size that Devon is now.
It will not be visible to the naked eye, because it's small, "about half the size of a football field, " Yeomans said.
Until the war is over, it is hard to see how arguing about the exact size of government budget deficits will soothe the nervous financial markets.
This is a transition from speculation about the size of streambed material to direct observation of it.
It was about the size of a turkey and would have fed on lizards and other small prey.
Our dining room was about the size of a gymnasium, a quarter of it already occupied by other Japanese.
They talked about limiting the size of government but voted to grow it.
It was about the size of a softball, well-preserved and healthy, having come from a woman who had died recently in an accident.
Even though the black hole contains a mass equal to a billion suns, it is compacted into an area about the size of the solar system.
The probe is traveling so fast that a particle the size of a BB could destroy it, so researchers are worried about the broad debris field that Pluto's moons may have spawned.
MSN: New Pluto moon hints at perilous journey for spacecraft
In the past four years, it has reduced the size of its administrative staff by about 20%, to about 830 people, and closed some regional offices while reducing spending on conferences and air travel.
It's about the size of a Smart ForTwo, and only half as ugly.
It's about the size of a couple of matchboxes stacked together and is quite lightweight, yet still feels sturdy.
And have your vet inject your pet with a tiny microchip implant (it's about the size of a grain of rice).
However, the developers hope to reduce its footprint even further, to about the size of a credit card, which could see it pop up in even more places.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 8.25.12: robotic noses, Nodosaurs and Space X launches again
It's certainly large enough to be a viable political unit: The District's population is greater than Wyoming's by some 50, 000 people, and by square mileage it would be about the size of New Jersey.