It was removed after a translator complained about the sound the paper made against the microphone.
But the government was extremely sensitive about acknowledging the impact of sanctions, and when I arrived in Tehran my translator instructed me to avoid the subject.
Mr. ABMAN BISHEAR (Baghdad resident): (Through translator) I have heard about the security plan and saw it on television, but we want something tangible.
Mr. AL-AZAWI: (Through translator) It shocked the people about the reality of the Americans.
Her translator was killed in the attack about 300 yards from al-Dulaimi's office.
Mr. KAMAL ABBAS (Director, Independent Center for Trade Union and Worker Services): (Through translator) The government is also very sensitive about any links between political powers in Egypt and the labor movement because this would mean that workers might enter with their weight into the democratic movement.
President MIKHEIL SAAKASHVILI (Georgia): (Through translator) The only issue I can negotiate is about what kind of cells they will have in prison.
Mr. WATAM KAN: (Through Translator) We tribal people actually are very much concerned about the American drone attacks because they are attacking the civilians and women and children are being killed.
Mr. FIZAL ORATICA TAYLOR (Market Goer): (Through translator) They fight war in the name of Islam and they talked about implementation of sharia, the Islamic law here.
Despite saying he only understand about half what he read in English, he did not use a translator and spoke to the judge in English.
BBC: Saudi ambassador suspect Manssor Arbabsiar admits guilt
Our charismatic translator and tribal ambassador, Lale Biwa, explained that 42 boys were about to join the ranks of the Karo elders.
Mr. FAKUR SHALAL (Volunteer Leader): (Through translator) We want to present the right face for the world, to show that we care about other religions because those who try to get rid of the Christians are not real Muslims.