So, Ford scoured auto-enthusiast websites and owner forums to see what drivers were saying about turn indicators.
WSJ: How Big Data Is Changing the Whole Equation for Business
When he got most of the tax cut he did an about turn and started to talk up the economy.
It sealed a remarkable 18-run win and signalled an about turn in the series which England went on to win 3-1.
Every year it's a sudden about turn and he, he takes over from Jack Straw, David Blunkett, and he says asylum's in an utter mess, it just goes on...
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Iain Duncan Smith MP, Conservative Party leader
As I am about to turn 30, I have started thinking about this issue a lot lately.
But the sculptor isn't about to turn out tableaux in stone or wood anytime soon.
I'm about to turn 41 on Sunday and I'm still pursuing my bachelor's degree.
One of our customers was about to turn live their networks in London for the Olympics.
FORBES: Ruckus CEO Lo on Boosting Wi-Fi, Chasing Cisco and Going Public
Lana, who was about to turn forty-six, had a full head of pink dreadlocks.
Casablanca, which is about to turn 70, is (in my opinion) a perfect movie.
FORBES: Please Hollywood, 'Casablanca' Does Not Need A Sequel
FleetBoston did a strategic about-turn last year, when it decided to focus on retail banking.
That may take some swallowing, but Mr Wallace did do an astonishing about-turn on race.
When he was about to turn 13 Oliver Bogner persuaded his grandmother to be his first investor.
Increasingly, their conversations about scaling turn to so-called open-source strategies: flexible and decentralized ways to speed innovation.
Max was about to turn and run the other way when he heard (could it be?) a word.
But there was an apparent about-turn in a statement released through the England and Wales Cricket Board on Thursday.
Serbia may yet do an about-turn and steer itself resolutely away from Europe.
So, if political stability is the first step towards financial stability, Japan may be about to turn the corner.
After repeated prompting from your reviewer (and the provision of Miss Lovett's address), Sonlight Curriculum suddenly made an about-turn.
Put aside the fact that Papelbon, about to turn 31, is three years removed from his last true lights-out season.
Santander has staged an about-turn and will no longer withdraw its "free banking forever" account from 230, 000 small business customers.
' You think about each turn, if you should go in early, if you should take it high or low.
Unhappy about this turn of events, in 2001 DPTG initiated binding arbitration proceedings provided for in its contract with Polish Telecom.
FORBES: Poland Needs To Clean Up Polish Telecom Before It Ascends To E.U. Presidency
Supachai even spoke glowingly of how the economy was about to turn the corner with the coming sale of three banks.
Whether or not this about-turn helps to appease Congress (see article), its impact on Iraq is almost certain to be beneficial.
Their official reason for this about-turn certainly contains some of the truth.
This marks a stunning about-turn for John Mack, Morgan's chief executive, who must feel a bit like the Grand Old Duke of York.
ECONOMIST: Investment banking: Wall Street's annus horribilis | The
As we walked along the fences and were about to turn the corner to leave the area, I turned around for one last look.
Assuming that output dropped below capacity in the second half of 2001, the economists reckon that inflation in services should be about to turn.
Such a swift about-turn would have been more difficult if interest-rate decisions had remained in the hands of a politician, sensitive to the opinion polls.