Mrs Clinton told the senators her department was implementing - as well as going above and beyond - 29 recommendations by an independent panel that investigated the incident.
Today we pay our respect to those who distinguished themselves conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty - the recipients of the Medal of Honor.
Second, we focus on a higher purpose, above and beyond short-term results.
FORBES: How Restaurant Visionary Ron Shaich is Tackling America's Hunger Crisis
But the sorts of 15 megabyte-and-above speed rates offered by the high-end data plans are often beyond the budgets of someone starting out with a home office.
Employers provide an additional 30% or more in benefits above and beyond salaries listed on a W-2.
FORBES: Why Most Employees Make Up to 30% Less Than They Should -- Is It Happening to You?
On the other hand, if a franchisee insists he has to go above and beyond a brand standard to compete--say, by offering free broadband Internet service or extra pillows--Ledsinger has to know when to say okay. (Chains need to police the impulses to go up market, too, lest their other units suffer by comparison.) The warmth and fuzziness, he hopes, will trickle down.
This is store policy for most retaliers when it comes to M-rated titles, but the law wanted to go above and beyond, making it actually illegal to do so.
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Yes, Wal-Mart did highlight some of their employees who went above and beyond the call of duty to help those in need after the tsunami in Japan and the tornado in Joplin, Missouri.
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Clinton said the department is implementing the 29 recommendations of an independent review board that harshly criticized the department as well as going above and beyond the proposals, with a special focus on high-threat posts.
When it comes to video game-based comics and art books, one publisher stands out above and beyond: Dark Horse.
FORBES: Tackling the Expanded Universe: How Dark Horse Remains the Best and Brightest
Engagement metrics can even identify a suitable medium and combinations of media platforms for brands, providing value above and beyond exposure, audience numbers and CPMs. By adopting a new engagement-powered ROI paradigm, marketers, media companies, and planners can not only guarantee that brands will better connect with consumers but can now predict returns on their investments.
Children's Food Trust chief executive-designate Linda Cregan said too many people who worked with children were having to go above and beyond the call of duty to try to protect children from the effects of hunger and poor diet.